Tradio is heard every Monday through Friday from 10am – 11am. Listeners can either call OR text 580-225-9697 to buy, sell, or trade during that time (limit three (3) items per call/text. Limit one (1) call OR text per day, please). Non commercial items only please. If you would like to advertise your business please call 580-225-9696
FOR SALE: firewood
FOR SALE: fireworks
FOR SALE: piano, asking $440 or trade
SERVICE: tree trimming/ hedges/ bushes
580-660-0402 “Wood Cuttin’ Keith”
Looking for Native American Artifacts, silver coins pre 1964, any marked sterling, SW OK trade tokens
FOR SALE: baby chicks hatching regularly / black copper maurans today/ easter eggers, olive eggers, polish
SERVICE: hatches eggs for people
580-799-5928 “Indiana Jim”
BIBLE STUDY: Wednesday night bible study at living water in mangum at 5 until 6 reg service at 7
FOR SALE: lot in Mangum
FOR SALE: china dishes, very old
(can send pictures)
FOR SALE/LOOKING FOR: dining table (would like to buy 6 chairs)
580-318-1512 “The Mangum Tiger”
FOR SALE: new 5 gallon bucket of all purpose grease, asking $50
FOR SALE: aluminum rack for a pickup, asking $100 obo
FOR SALE: aluminum pair of atv fold up ramps, asking $75
FOR SALE: 30 x 15 montezuma tool box, never used, asking $600 obo
call 806-216-1194 leave text if no answer
FOR SALE: set of ducks, asking $50, ceramic
Looking for a dish washer
call Janice @ 303-9022
FOR SALE: 36″ port-a-cool water cooler, barely used,
FOR SALE: 1998 Chevy, black stepside
FOR SALE: set of 4 20″ Stratos rims with Michellin tires, asking $600 obo
call 580-374-2987
FOR SALE: 3/4 red heeler-1/4 pit pups, 2 left, male and female, born November 16, very smart
BUTLER HORSE SALE this Saturday, JUNE 3rd, across from Butler Fire Dept, starts at 6:30pm, come early if bringing something
call 580-500-7228 “Cowboy Kevin”
FOR SALE: smart exercise bike, like brand new, very nice, asking $150
580-821-1995 in Clinton
SERVICES: Looking to do yards, mow/weedeat/flower beds
FOR SALE: Has extra tickets for Broadway play “Hamilton” in OKC (excellent seating)
FOR SALE: 2 outside hammocks, one with bedding, asking $50 for the pair of them
call 580-821-1397
SERVICE: older lady who reads to children
call 580-243-2198 “The Lovely Cher”
Looking for a dog kennel, plastic with steel door on it, FREE or good price
706-9269 medium size dog
FOR SALE: 1997 Chevy Tahoe, 190k miles, excellent condition, leather, asking $3500
call 580-216-1466
FOR SALE: small breeders box for baby chicks after they hatch, sliding tray to clean up, 4′ tall, 4′ wide, brand new
FOR SALE: small captains desk
FOR SALE: solid wood kitchen table, 4 chairs and a bench, excellent condition, Amish made
call 580-515-0434
FOR SALE: 1999 Cadillac deville, blown head gasket, 118k miles, good interior
text 580-214-1000
FOR SALE: air conditioner
FOR SALE: impact
FOR SALE: weedeater
FOR SALE: household items
Looking for generator and gas water heaer
FOR TRADE: would like to trade boat for working riding mower (18′ fiberglass, 165 hp Merc motor, dual axle trailer)
LOOKING TO SHARE A BEEF TODAY: (you go in on a whole beef with him today and you will only pay wholesale, he will cover all of the butcher fees)
FOR SALE: 50+ female chickens, not laying yet but wont be long, $15 each
GARAGE SALE a mile east of EC Walmart, follow around curve to the red mailbox, lots of tools, going on through Sunday
call 580-799-0001 on the chickens