QotD: 75% percent of American adults do this at least one time a year. What is it?
FREE: kittens 580-660-0402
FS: swimming pool with accessories hay spike 3.0 8m ford tractor brush hogging 719-342-3059
LF: good used treadmill 580-351-8686 Lawton
FS: chicks 60 plus $3 each 580-301-0789 Blair
FS: 3 tires 245 70 r17 10 ply tires $65 each $150 for all three 580-772-4047
GARAGE SALE: 227 N Myers Mangum OK 580-485-1584
FS: smoker grill 227 N Myers Mangum OK $400 580-567-0026
FS: 1945 b model john Deere Tractor Been restored $5k obo 580-471-7911
FS: pair of polish chickens $25 FREE REHOME: goat dog 580-287-4570
FS: 2005 white impale 107k miles small issue $3k 2010 dodge caliber blue in color $6000 obo 210-9667
FS: model 10 AK 47 3 stocks 3 mags 30 rounds $1000 580-970-3024
FS: 5th wheel hitch $100 2 sets of handcuffs $50 580-471-7716
LF: single shot shotgun 580-706-0821
FS: Petco igloo medium doghouse $20 smaller one $5 can text 580-374-1424 Elk
LF: kind of looking for a horse Gildan for a youngster FS: bell buggy hand crank ready to use 799-1307 LF: diesel tractor
FS: Rockwell model 15 drill press upright international harvester tailgate livestock box for bed of a pickup all metal 580-500-7228
LF: a building or storefront July 15th-21st 580-821-1397 Elk City
FS: welding trailer$200 rotor trailer $200 obo and basketball goal $100 580-729-0375
FS: all wood cabinet $60 short square table $35 and great Pyrenees Anatolian puppies $50 580-613-0108
FS: Boston terrier pups $800 a pup wheat hay bales 5x6 this years $60 580-3300719
FREE: RV 5th wheel motor home fiberglass boats 580-706-9398
Answer: Read a Book
Hey hey western Oklahoma!! Today is the day Wednesdays at noon Co- dependency meeting at The Promise center. 321 N Main elk city. Come build healthy living relationships.
For sale: a drop box transmission transfer case off of a military 2.5 ton truck. I can send a picture Make offer
Woods GT 60 ROTOTILLER $950 also a 12' kilifer $1500. 580-471-6208.
For sale: a drop box transmission transfer case off of a military 2.5 ton truck. I can send a picture. 580.395.0001 Make offer
For Sale: Tailgate for 2012 Dodge Ram 3500. Good condition. $100.00. Call or text 580-254-1157 For Sale: Gravity Inversion Therapy Table. Used very little. $100.00. Call or text 580-254-1157 For Sale: VERMEER Round Baler 605G. Needs belt. Has been shedded. Have manual. $1,000.00. Call or text 580-254-1157
For sale marlin 336 jm stamped 3030 I taking bid on text 5803779589
Lost 7 month old.puppy yesterday around Parkview Place and Broadway (United Grocery store) Very friendly and would go with anyone but his mom is very sad w/o him
Please return to 313 Parkview Place if seen. Phone 580-390-0110
For sale marlin 336 jm stamped 3030 I taking bid on text 5803779589
I got 40 + 3-5 year old pairs black- black boldy and reds. $3200 a pair 580-303-0464 Sayre ok
I have a Summers Super Harrow 60ft. in perfect condition for $25000 and a Woods 20ft shredder....hydraulic wing fold $10000. 580 471 4028
iso lease land around Cheyenne ok Berlin ok Sayre ok surrounding areas 80 +++ acres I will take care of your land just looking to grow my small cattle operation 580 339 6673 call or text
Have a 1988 Chevy Silverado two wheel drive with 108, 000 original miles runs and drives clear title in hand asking $2,000 or best offer call 580-500-7062
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings every night 7pm @ 105 Meadow Ridge Drive in Elk City.
Wheat hay 5/6 bales $60 dollars a bale can load! Rye hay $75 a bale located near Sayre and Delhi 580-383-6922 thanks
Free maltipoos and labradoodles. Contact 806.217.2219
Nearly new Priefert Squeeze Chute $2000. 200 Bale's Last Year's Wheat and Rye Mix Hay $25 Dollars a Bale 32X6 foot Stock Tralier For $2000 Dollars 580 450 1234
165 bales of wheat hay 70$ per bale. South of elk city approximately 15 miles 580-243-8379.
For Sale. Baby calf huts work well for show animals or larger pets. 580 301 4874
I have a large heavy nice picnic table for free ! It is probably 10 foot. My number is 580 819 2741
I have a 6 1/2 x 16' utility trailer/car hauler with ramps needs the floor. I'll sell it cheap 580-821-6233.
For sale. A drop box from a 2.5 ton military truck. Make offer. 580.395.0001
I am rehoming a 2 year old cowboy corgi. (Half heeler half corgi) he is fixed crate trained and house trained. He is a very dominate dog and doesn't do the best with younger children. He is the most loving to his adult humans though 580-878-0002 for pics and more info
Ruger 1911 in 45 ACP like to trade for a good riding lawnmower 580-371-7629
10 portable free standing cattle panels for sale 24 foot long each one with a 10 foot gate. Erick, Oklahoma 580-729-1220