CHURCH SERVICE: Living Water UPC in MAngum Wednesdays 5pm bible studay and 7pm service: and Sundays 10am sunday school and sunday night service 6pm
FOR SALE: lot in mangum (50×160)
FREE: 20 pairs of jeans in pretty good shape,other FREE misc. items
FOR SALE: china cabinet
FOR SALE: scooter, electric, goes 25 mph, asking $200
FOR SALE: 7' 3 pt blade, asking $200
FOR SALE: 50' antennae tower, asking $100
FOR SALE: 20 gauge youth model shotgun, asking $200
in Mangum call 580-706-0821
FOR SALE: deer hunting equipment-feeder asking $100, 2-man and a 1-man ladder stand, 12.5' tall tripod stand, asking $200, all items new in box
in Hollis, text 580-381-0338 for pictures
FOR SALE: several guns
FOR SALE: couple commercial pizzas ovens and an ice machine
seasoned firewood
FOR SAALE: 18' utility trailer, double axle with loading tailgate, asking $1000
MOVING SALE: Tomorrow, Fri & Sat in Roger Mills County
(18377 E. 1020 Rd off 283, watch for signs)
FOR SALE: mare - papered, used in feed yard, ranched on, 7 years old, asking $5k,
FOR SALE: farm animals: sheep-pigs-goats- chickens- pyreneese dogs
FOR SALE: bleet belt- asking $10, camo, like new
FOR SALE: smith and wessen 40 cal compact automatic, asking $400
FOR SALE .22 compact automatic, asking $300, .22 long rifle
(a few shells for each)
FOR SALE: '89 model 3/4 ton flatbed pole truck, asking $3k
FOR SALE: love seat that makes into bed, (still has the plastic on it)
FUNDRAISER: TICKETS FOR W.O.C.S. hamburger fry NOV 3rd, adults $10-childrens $5
FOR SALE: couple chicken pins and hutches, make offer
call or text 580-940-0400
FOR SALE: fireplace gas log set
FOR SALE: large living room sectional
580-227-7119 in Woodward
Looking to buy a truck - needs to be 3/4-1ton...would like hay bed on it, gas or diesel
FOR SALE: 2 yorkiepoo puppies available - not ready just yet- located in Bessie - will have first shots/worming done/dew claws done, etc.
FOR SALE: Litter on goldendoodle puppies-ready to go
FOR SALE: 4x8 tilt trailer with winch, gate on the back
FOR SALE OR TRADE: 5' box blade, needs a 6' blade
Looking for pallet forks for skidsteer
FREE: 2 year old great pyrenees female, good dog
call 580-821-0923