Tradio is heard every Monday through Friday from 10am – 11am. Listeners can either call OR text 580-225-9697 to buy, sell, or trade during that time (limit three (3) items per call/text. Limit one (1) call OR text per day, please). Non commercial items only please. If you would like to advertise your business please call 580-225-9696
FOR SALE: queen size bedroom suite,a sking $300
FOR SALE: 3 barstools, $50 for the trio
GARAGE SALE: at 113 Peggy in Elk City today until noon and tomorrow 8 am - sell out
Looking to have some tree 714 west B ave or call 580-210-9667
FOR SALE: railroad ties, around 30, fair shape, $10 each
FOR SALE: 5 telephone poles cut to 14' length, good shape, asking $30 each
FOR SALE: tote full of comic books
FOR SALE: old vinyl records
FOR SALE: harley gas powered golf cart in good shape
Looking for native american artiacts, trade tokens from sw ok, sterling silver, pre '64 silver coins
FOR SALE: baby chicks, 6-7 different kinds hatching
CARPORT SALE: TV's, full size bed frame, 55" flatscreen
Looking for 5k btu 110 and 15k btu AC
719 N. Clarence Nash Blvd
405-856-4182 "Watonga Cheese Man"
FOR SALE: red heeler pit mix puppies, full blooded red heeler father, mother red heeler pit mix, some blue eyes, born Nov. 16th
580-500-7228 "Cowboy Kevin"
FOR SALE: rifle, remingon 700 varmint model 22- 250,26" barrel, scope, 5 boxes of ammo, asking $950
FOR SALE: vending machine, asking $1200 obo, works great, Pepsi
580-375-9308 call or text, located Burns Flat
GARAGE SALE a mile East of EC Walmart around the curve to red mailbox
(oxygen bottle, 5.5" pure metal work bench, heavy duty dolly)
call 580-799-0001
Looking for 17" Mustang GT rims, not sure ion hyear 05-07 traditional, needs 4
call 580-661-1595
STOLEN: several power tools, milwaukee pack out tool box, bosche impact, complete Harley motor, set of black fuel tanks, ape hangar handle bars, taken 2 nights ago, police report has been filed
in Elk City call 580-660-1753 or ECPD
FOR SLE: golf carts, both bgas, 1800 and other 3000, both run and drive good, nothing wrong with them
FORS ALE: used flatbed truck bed, utility style for back of pickup, 9', headache rack, LED's, tailboard
580-471-6422 by Altus
Looking for a rocking chair, doesnt matter if wooden or a more fancy swivel type
Looking for outdoor patio furniture
call 580-210-6134
GARAGE SALE: tools/ clothes/ decor, YOU NAME IT
@ 304 Potomac in Burns Flat
call 580-374-1559 (today and tomorrow)
FOR SALE: 12500 Kw generator, 4 cyl kubota diesel motor, 3 diff plug ins,
FOR SALE: 2 3/8 pipe
call 580-339-1085
FOR TRADE: 100 gallon air compressor TRADE for golf cart, prefer gas, of equal value, or some type of 4 wheeler
call 405-638-4047
FOR SALE: 2 older model work trucks, tool boxes on back
FOR SALE: new nail gun and case of nails
FOR SALE: older uprght piano, asking $50
call 580-799-0254