QotD: 42% of people have wrecked their phone by doing this.. What is it?
YARD SALE: backyard 1023 N 6th and enterprise 8-2 Saturday 928-3849
FS: large travel trailer frame $700 snap on tools 580-821-2204
AR 15 flat top $650 8 Anatolian puppies FREE piano 580-821-1239
FS: side by side fridge whirlpool $700 with warranty fridge air $400 and 5 window units 580-402-6250 719 N Clarence Nash Blvd. Watonga
FS: 16ft bumper pull stock trailer $1200 580-214-0602
GARAGE SALE: 1122 W 5th 8-5 Furniture appliances clothing
FS: propane fridge 80ft 6ft chain link fence lot of plastic for flower beds FREE: kittens 580-390-0179
FS: Many 32" Samsung tv's $50 vintage Nintendo games $10 Sunday10-5 Elk City motorsports check out his stand there! 580-821-6935
CITY WIDE GARAGE SALE: Burnsflat June 8th
REHOME: 2 yr old female lab/rottweiler 580-481-0165 in Altus
FS: small chicken coop 1 bunny and jogging Stoller 2 free kitten 580-515-0434
LF: swath 10 acre property and someone rotor tiller $200 obo basketball goal $100 580-729-0375
FS: home in Sayre 3b 1 ba on 6 lots corner or locust and 1st 411 E locust 580-799-3238
FS: lab puppies 1 yellow female 1 black female 1 black male 580-729-1141
FS: propane tank $25 8x10 portable cabin $2650 LF: parts mower craftsman and junk iron 580-751-0384
ESTATE AUCTION: June 2th 580-210-6351
FS: 2013 Winnebago in Sayre 703 E Benton Ave in Sayre
FS: 1 bedroom house 2 lots $14k 580-951-3654 412 8th Street in Sayre
Answer: putting it in a washing machine.
Dylan Whitely. 20 head black angus bulls. 5804305243
For sale Rossi revolver $400 410 shot gun new $500 Mossberg 375 ruger big game rifle with scope new $700 405-545-0305
Massive yard sale. Included in this sale will be Brand New Summer Toys, licensed kids lawn chairs, and Hundreds of Swimming Items , including tons of inflatable pools, and swimming gear. Many new household items including kids pillows, Laundry products, home decor, shovels rakes, etc. ALL items are Brand New and 50-80% off Retail Prices. This Saturday June 8th at 105 Mimosa - Cordell, Oklahoma. Don't miss this sale. We'll try to be open at 7 to beat the heat!
Boston Terrier puppies for sale. Now taking deposits. Call or text 580-210-0322 for more info
Good morning ladies and germs what is the one thing u can't find on tradio call 210 8240
I have a riding mower for sale, 42 inch cut. Runs and mows great, located in the Hobart area. Call or txt 580-471-4994 can send pictures
1594 case tractor with front loader, $11,000. 1994 Volvo tandem axle Dump truck, $12,000. 1979 L2 Gleaner combine, low hours 24ft header, comes with a nearly complete 1982 L2 parts combine and a 22ft header, have extra parts and belts, $10,000. Call 5806794619
2002 Toyota Tacoma 4 door 4wd, high miles 351k but still in good shape- $8500 obo call or text 5803747555
Garage sale/MOVING SALE — everything must go! Cheap deals! 1609 W. Ave D in Elk City Saturday 8:00am-4:00pm Kitchen items, home decor, bedding Queen size mattress & frame Adult & children clothing
Forsale 1998 Dyna Wide Glide Harley 16000 miles great shape 580 821 4188
Looking for someone to repair 3 miles of fence south of Erick Needs own transportation and tools. Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm 580-243-9190
Looking for a pig to butcher and fresh eggs. Text 5807070629
4yr old mini jersey cow, in milk production with a 3 mth old bull calf on side. Automatic milker with cream separator. Whole package deal. 2500.00. Call or text 580-829-3297. Thank you.
Reminder that Sayre is having the citywide yardsale this Saturday! Thank you
ISO of some land for lease 80 + acres Sayre Berlin sweetwater area just looking to grow a little will take care of the land please call 580 339 6673
Have A 2001 Harley Davidson dyna wide glide for sale $7000.00 580-821-4114 call or text i can send pictures. Thank You!!
Got a ford 9n tractor with a brush hog on it asking 1,365 obo Got 2005 dodge Durango with 254500ish miles on it asking 2,385 obo Call or text 580 339 6525
Please remind everyone again of the Burns Flat city wide garage sale on this Saturday June 8th.
9 week old black and yellow AKC lab pups. Both parents hunt. First shots, dewormed and dew claws removed. For sale or trade 580.339.2164 call or text
90 bales of Rye hay fertilized twice 75$ a bale or 70$ a bale if you take all Located in Canute Call or text 580-374-2512
I have a 2022 Honda Talon 1000X4 with Fox Live Valve. Asking $18,000 OBO. Located in Taloga. Has under 400 miles and has under 80hrs. 405-933-0297
I have got two adult standard poodles, very well mannered crate trained Merle male Cream female I have got some very nice show Quality serama roosters for sale 12 weeks old these are tiny ones) looking for some polish chickens 580-243-8336
FS- 6500 watt generator the brand is ryobi. $500 firm. 5806605226 located by lake lugert in lone wolf.