Friday TRADIO: Garage Sales and MORE!!

FS: 2 cloth cushion dining room chairs $12 for both 2 drawer solid wood dresser $20 and cloth love seat couch $65 make offer for all 580-210-0292

FS: swimming pool 8m ford tractor brush hogging in elk 719-342-3059

LF: someone working on vintage arcade machine 580-821-1581

FS: 2008 travel trailer 29ftx8ft 701-397-5292

FS: upright freezer 21 cubic ft $200 and dc welding rods LF: rebuildable Volkswagen engine and 580-301-2871

FS: 3 burner propane  grill $30 and Webber charcoal grill $30 918-916-6867 Foss area

FS: square bales of alfalfa 4x4 2k pounds can deliver 580-706-1432

GARAGE SALE: 300 Peggy misc. items and jewelry 580-374-4120 free gift

FS: 2008 crown Victoria 92k miles $3800 580-375-8126

FS: Sherman Williams many colors and high chair table adult $40 for all 16, 15, 18" tires 580-751-0384 LF: junk to haul off

FS: 5 toy Australian puppy 6weeks old 580-210-9575

FS: top load washing machine $225 and LF: scrap iron 405-823-4885

ESTATE SALE: 604 N Van Buren 5-7 tonight and 8-? misc. items

GARAGE SALE mile east of Walmart left at curve to red mailbox all weekend

FS: tow behind dump cart trailer $100 ands 50lb calf milk replacer $50 509-594-6061 in Sayre

FS: 2018 like new half top 5x16 Hughes goose neck cattle trailer lifetime floor 225-2384

FS: left half of chrome bumper $200 revolver pistol $500 580-799-3467

FS: 2001 Harley heritage 21" front wheel $400 firm 2006 toy hauler fifth wheel $7500 and 2006 ski boat $5500 580-744-0124

FS: ford tractor 8m runs good and palomino Philly nearly 2 year old 580-799-1307

FS: horses ponies donkeys 580-334-0160

FS: vortex heads 5.7 l chevy and intakes and misc. items for vortex engine 806-664-3764 McLain

FS: set of 4 aluminum mag wheels 3/4 ton half tread $400 obo and 16ft john boat $250 and commercial dog box 580-330-9012

FS: baby items  580-309-3168


Looking to buy used lawnmower battery 580 821 4188

Homemade banana bread cookies applesauce and flower bouquets for sale today at the parking lot where McDonald's, Arby's, Janice's is located from noon to 4:00 proceeds go to four little girls who are behind this so they can buy things for their mom for mother's Day

Have 2 prom dresses text for pics and size and more info 5805156569

The Mane Attraction - Horse Event in El Reno: features a large tack sale, vendors, sale horses & clinics to watch. Being held next weekend- April 26 though 28 at Royse Ranch 9403 N. US 81 El Reno should be fun.

2 cotton trailers. 24ft and 32ft. Also have a Summers Super Harrow 60ft. and a Woods 20ft shredder...hydraulic wing fold. 5804714028

Looking for a good use or new 16.9-24 tire for a backhoe with backhoe tread. Thank You 580-821-4114

Looking for a small trailer to haul a 2 man boat 5808212710

For sale boston terrier pups and male Australian shepherd 5806141241

I got a climbing gear kit and a lawn mower and a microwave for sale you can give me a call at +15807991565

Looking for someone to cut and spray mesquites and also cut cedars. 580-497-7912 Thanks!!

For sale A Westfield MK 80-61 Grain auger with a swing out hopper. 580-243-8610

Looking for a Rooster. I’m in the Clinton area. 512-216-0592