Friday TRADIO: Misc. Items and MORE!

FS: lot in Mangum 50x160 piano desk 580-318-1512

FS: 19 horse John Deere 42" in lawn mower $100 on demand water heater propane $50 225 60 16 $60 580-751-0384

YARD SALE: Saturday 9-1 1011 W 9th St. in Elk City FS: 10yr old generator $100 580-210-1366

FS: 8point buck $50 dumbbells 40lb $20 580-210-1354

FS: rex rabbit ready to show and angora baby bunny mini  pygmy goats and king size dual control bed comes with sheets 580-515-0434

FS: person property sale 41 E locust in Sayre today 9-6

FS: several rabbit and guinea pigs cages and feeders trays etc. prices varies and medium dog house $40 feeders $50 e 509-594-6061 in Sayre area

FS: travel trailer needs work $500 obo 660-5237

LF: a vehicle cheap reliable 580-799-5678

FS: a large dresser with mirror and lighting $210 hoover bagless vacuum $35 Panasonic fax $20 580-243-8364

FS: 1947 Avery tractor small new tires and recliner 374-5192

FS: chicken house $70 wood cabinet $65  Great Pyrenees/Anatolian pm old $75 580-613-0108

FS: 2018 aspen trail bumper pull $14,000 580-243-8435

FS: several outdoor AC un its 3 apartment electric stoves 30gal hot water electric heater 308-641-4605

FS: 1594 case tractor for sale new rear tires front end loader $12k 2005 dodge pickup needs motor work $5000 Volvo dump truck $12k 580-679-4619

GARAGE SALE: 504 W seventh in Elk

LF: to hire truck for class a driving test 580-821-1239

FS: nice ford tractor $2500 bale buggy 1 bale $150 CM 3 horse slant metal trailer $6000 799-1307

FS: dining room table 6 chairs 2 leaves Thomasville 580-808-5057

FS: big square bales horse quality alfalfa will deliver 1586 international tractor $10,500 12ft plow needs some work $500 obo 580-706-1432

GARAGE SALE: Friday 5-7  Saturday 9-12 7401 W 20th

FS: 2023 stock combo steel trailer rubber floor $20k 580-774-8333

Fresh farm eggs $3 a dozen laying hens pullets 580-644-4316

AUCTION: Erick chicken march 3oth 580-439-4997

LF: marble FS: iron tractor seats $15 751-0094

FS: 2 lawn mowers 580-318-1045

FS: pack rat tool box 806-670-8555

FS: How water heater propane $300 580-243-9715

FS: 2011 Harley Davidson dyna sleet glide  red and baby rabbits 580-729-2497

FS: 22ft tow chain and 2 corner fish tanks with accessories fresh eggs $2.50 a dozen 303-9065

FS: 20 gauge pump $225 580-374-5602 guineas

FS: guineas 301-0789


This morning I have a solid wood dining room table and chairs made by Americana has extra leaf cones with 5 and 3/4 chairs also have a small roll top desk and another old desk all in great shape also have a Huskee riding mower for sale for more info call 5806607167

For sale..clothes dryer..not pretty but works is clean 210 8240.. Elk City.

Garage Sale this morning and Saturday, 8 am 115 Peggy Dr. Elk City

14 foot hyrdra swing swather for sale has new sickles an new tires few new hoses works good 580 339 6673

For sale 5250 watt generator runs just needs a couple little things. Looking to an Att phone not picky just reasonable. Also looking for a washer. Please text 580-660-6313

Looking for a good use or new 16.9-24 tire for a backhoe with backhoe tread. Thank You 580-821-4114

For sale 2015 John Deere Tractor model 5045E 50 Horse power Front end loader Front end assist 4x4 370 hours , always shedded like new 580-309-2184 26,000 OBO

I have a yard sale at 708 Nth 7th in Sayre OK make me an offer. I don't want anything to come back inside for more information 405-684-1991

I have a bag of scrub top and a tower for a dell computer I what 35 for the tower and 25 for the big bag of the top You cal. Call 5805152205

For sale, tumble bug hay trailer 580-821-0139

Still looking for a stackable washer and dryer. 5803742912

I have push mowers and sthil weed eaters for sale. You can call 5807690614