Tradio is heard every Monday through Friday from 10am – 11am. Listeners can either call OR text 580-225-9697 to buy, sell, or trade during that time (limit three (3) items per call/text. Limit one (1) call OR text per day, please). Non commercial items only please. If you would like to advertise your business please call 580-225-9696




YARD SALE in cheyenne 104 N. 2nd – 70 years of stuff, tools and all

Looking for a chrome factory rear bumper to fit a 2017 Chevy 2500 or a ranch hand bumper to fit a 2017 Chevy 2500


FOR SALE: pistol, case, asking $350, .22 magnum, 1968 model, never shot


FOR SALE: 3 kind LED xl 1000 k5 lights, $250 each



Looking for 2 window unit AC’s

FOR SALE: whirlpool HD washing machine, asking $150

storm door, 32×80 security door and storm door 100 for the pair

405-856-4182 in Watonga

SERVICE: picks up unwanted scrap

FOR SALE: dryers

call 580-309-2307

Looking for furniture in Erick FREE


FOR SALE: 12′ john deere whaea drill, rubber tires, John Deere bryant 650

FOR SALE: 2705 massey ferg asking $6500

call 580-799-1307

FOR SALE: 8×10 portable office building, wood frame, covered in metal, 200 amp, AC, asking $5500

FOR SALE: power washer asking $200

near Rocky 580-751-0384

FOR SALE: solid oak dining table, seven matching chairs, 2 leaves, price negotiable, asking $500

call 580-210-8240 Elk City

FOR SALE: watermelons, cantelpopes, tomatoes, some sweet corn

580-339-6531 (@1401 E 3rd, Elk City, ready NOW)

Looking for Native American Artifacts, Frnk Lugart trade token or SW ok, pre ’64 silver coins, marked sterling

brand new set of 4 wheeler ramps


FOR SALE: 1968 JD 4020 diesel, new fuel tank, new seat, like brand new firstone tires all around, new rear rims, 2 sets hydraulics, pto, 3 pt, roll guard, asking $12,500


FOR SALE: single axle international semi, 86 model, runs good, asking $4k

FOR SALE: 79 ford dump truck, tandem axle, needs trans (has on hand) asking $5k

FOR SALE: 14′ enclosed traielr, carpet floor, husky toolbox, door on back,a sking $3500


FREE: 2 puppies
