Guns! Goats! Goosenecks! Waterbeds! Feel the Motion of the Ocean on TRADIO!

Tradio is heard every Monday through Friday from 10am – 11am. Listeners can either call OR text 580-225-9697 to buy, sell, or trade during that time (limit three (3) items per call/text. Limit one (1) call OR text per day, please). Non commercial items only please. If you would like to advertise your business please call 580-225-9696




FOR SALE: 4 wheeler

FOR SALE: crock pot

FOR SALE: car battery

call today 580-339-4152

FOR SALE: Ruger 25 06 model 77 mark 2

in Mangum, asking $800 firm


FOR SALE: 2013 6.2 gas ford

FOR SALE: 2000 model 7.3 diesel dually


FOR SALE: firewood

FOR SALE: baldwin piano, asking $500 obo

SERVICE: tree trimming/ hedges/ bushes

would trade for trailer etc


FOR SALE: 8 wk old toy australian shepherd puppies, 2 males

FOR SALE: pygmy goats, $100/ head, female and male

call 580-729-0744

FOR SALE: utility bed trailer, tool boxes on side


FOR SALE: troy built rototiller, rear tine, brand new, only used 4 times, asking $650 obo


Looking for 10 bales of wheat straw for garden close to Elk City


Looking for a 30 gallon hot water heater for house

Looking for 32″ flatscreen tv

GARAGE SALE @ 719 N. Clarence Nash in Watonga this weekend


Looking for a gas cook stove

FOR SALE: mesquite firewood, oak, camp firewood


FOR SALE: fence wire, good for dog pin, 4′ tall partial roll, asking $10

FOR SALE: adjustable foldable walker, like new, asking $12

in Elk City 580-210-1366

FOR SALE: 100 hub caps and beauty rings

FOR SALE: peach apple and pear chips and some peach wood


FOR SALE: 40 3/4″ sucker rods, 15′ long, $300 for all or $7.75 per stick

FOR SALE: 4 sets of little car/lawn mower ramps

FOR SALE: (2) 2-ton floor jacks

799-0001 in Elk City

GARAGE SALE: a mile east of EC walmart, around the curve to the red mailbox

FOR SALE: 2 semi angus bulls, 2 yr olds and 1 yearling, tested shots and ready to go

FOR SALE: 40′ gooseneck float trailer with rolling tailboard, double duals, good rubber, asking $11k

Looking for boat seats or boat pedestals


FOR SALE: weimaraner puppies, shots, wormed, 3 males, 10 wks old, silver in color, mom and dad on premises, (not a kennel) asking $300


FOR SALE: 6×32′ gooseneck stock trailer, bar top, floor has been reworked, bearings packed, 10k lb axle on 3rd axle, 7.5k lb axles on front axles, LED lights on it, reflector tape new, good paint

in Mangum, call 580-471-1044

Looking for native american artifacts, pre-1964 silver coins, any marked sterling silver, etc…

Looking for old style light bulbs with clear glass (they make heat) needing several 100 watt

Looking for hatching eggs, any pure bred

FOR SALE: chicks will be hatching this weekend, available middle of the week

580-799-5928 “Indiana Jim”

MOVING SALE – Sat and Sunday n Taloga, chainsaws/ tools/ etc.

@ 216 Campbell, 3.5 blocks east of the car wash

FOR SALE: utility trailers, tool boxes on both sides, tommy lift gate, asking $1000


FOR SALE: king size waterbed, good condition, doesnt leak, asking $150 obo, Canute area


FOR SALE: AKC registered lab puppies, asking $300
