Monday TRADIO: Misc. Items and MORE!

LF: zero lawn mower  580-799-7373

FS: 2001 Rav 4 and 2 swimming pool and zero turn riding lawn mower and brush hogging in elk area 719-342-3059

FS: scrubs size medium and large women's shoes size 7 other misc. bass boat $3500 obo 580-210-0096

FS: Trundle bed and in new condition mattresses and sheets $100 580-301-2871

FREE: 7 baby kittens 9weeks old 580-339-1811 580-302-1581

FS: 1998 GMC high rider like Sonoma 4wd extended cab NO TITLE bad motor $800 obo 580-375-8126

FS: 2014 passport ultralight travel trailer 3 slides outdoor kitchen rebuilt title $15k in Hollis and  580-381-0338

FS: Full blood jack Russel puppies 4f 1m 580-381-0669

FS: 1945 john Deere B model been restored $5000 obo 580-471-7911

FS: straw hay $5 a bale 45 gallon propane tank for back of truck $20 and 8ftx10 portable cabin $2650 580-751-0384

FREE: standard black poodle 580-243-2262

FS: like new bicycle trek model 300 kept in barn $150 405-542-7175

INVITE: living water UPC firework stand in Mangum,

FS: lot in Mangum 580-318-1512

INVITE: Butler Town wide garage sale June 29th Saturday fireworks

GARAGE SALE: 218 N Main North of Butler fire department

FS: Long horns 580-243-7457

FS: 2006 chevy Tahoe 150k miles $4000 obo 580-938-0551

FS: 2 wheel trailers $50 each snap on tools 580-821-2204

FS: 2019 f250 163k diesel 38,500 obo and 2006 Nissan titan 4wd crew cab $5750 2016 Honda pioneer $7950 obo 580-497-6703

FS: 1 jersey cow and another cow and calves and goats 580-318-6455 after 1pm

FOUND: 2 Herford bulls in the Oakwood Oklahoma 580-661-1217

FS: 1997 Thomas bus and $6k obo or trade 580-275-8603

FS: 8n Ford Tractor $2200 and a loader m9000 Kubota joystick etc. 799-1307

FOUND: keys for Toyota newer model 580-225-4571

FS: IBC totes 375 gallons food grade black and grey 10 left $100 each 580-210-9339

VENORS INVITE: Christmas in July July 12-13th 580-497-6217


Needing a good home for 9 weeks old black longhair dachshund male puppy. Potty training is already started. Very sweet and loving. $300 obo today. Call 580-243-7361 if no answer leave message I will call you back.

For sale 2 rocking recliners, one tannish color leather, one brown microfiber.. these are in excellent condition, no stains, no rips or tears and lazy boy brand.. Brown microfiber Oversized electric reclining couch... excellent condition.. Loveseat tannish color ..all items only 2-3 months old, moving and no room for them all Lots of other household items that are for sale...all reasonable offers are considered 580 643 9008

Alfalfa hay for sale. Small square bales. Horse quality. No bugs. Lots of leaf. 75lb bales. $15 per bale. Delhi, Ok Call or txt 580-729-0361

For sale: 2008 Chevy Silverado. Extended cab Z71. 123,000 miles. $9,000 O.B.O. Call or text 580-302-1181

I have a toy aussie doodle puppy for free. She is about 3 months old. She's had all of her shots, except for her Rabies she will not get any bigger then 10 pounds She is tuxedo color she's black with white on her chest and her paws got her as a gift for my mom but she dident want her and i cant have her need gone today please text 5803745107

I have 2 CKC registered Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies for sale! 1 female, 1 male. Farm raised and have great personalities. UTD on shots and deworming, ready to go anytime! Contact me at (580) 309-7605 for more information.

For sale Mossburg rifle with scope new $700. Ruger m77 with scope $1000 Mobility scooter with charger $500 405-545-0305

I have two raised cooling cots for large dogs for sale. They're less than six months old.My dogs just didn't use them. I'd like to sell them for $25 apiece. I can send photos if anybody's interested. They're in excellent condition. They can be used outdoors or indoors You can call or txt me at 580-374-3275

Good morning from the hillbilly fireworks tent we're located Just NORTH of the Flying J Travel Center highway 283 in Sayre! Lowest prices in the area! Don't forget to follow our Facebook page hillbilly fireworks tent sayre!

1975 Gregor 15 foot boat with matching 25 horse power motor , has good trailer $1500 cash 580-309-2184

We are looking to rehome some puppies also looking for a local cdl job around the elkcity area please contact Tena at 5803741227

Portable dishwasher for your rv. Yes it works! Like new condition. $50 firm. Fresh farm eggs from spoiled hens $2.50 @ dozen. Elk city. 580-799-2131

Have A 2001 Harley Davidson dyna wide glide for sale $7000.00 580-821-4114 call or text i can send pictures. Thank You!!

ISO of some land for lease 80 + acres Sayre Berlin sweetwater Texas line area just looking to grow a little will take care of the land ... also I have two front end loaders Forsale for tractors please call 580 339 6673

FOR SALE 1460 qf 3 bed 2 full bath 2015 Double wide trailer 60.000 cash Call 405-626-4571 Or 405 532-9034

Black dishwasher works great bout new one $100 or best offer call 4055196130

2002 Toyota Tacoma 4 door 4wd, high miles 351k but still in good shape- $7000 call or text 5803747555

Looking for a 1981-1987 Chevy c10 brown hood with factory paint. Call or text 405-996-0346

Right now, I still need to have someone to cut and bale grass hay in the back part of the 10 acre section of my farm. You will have to look at the section to see if you can do it or not. Also, can you do the job on the halves? The place is west of Sayre, OK. I finally found someone who can and did cut some of the grass around the items I needed cut. I still have items for sale on Facebook Marketplace. There are pictures of these and other items listed on Facebook Marketplace under Aveta Coffey. Or call me at (580)-729-0375. Also, I'm still working on trying to add new items on Facebook Marketplace and Tradio as soon as I can get pictures and descriptions of them. Thank you and have a good day.