QotD: On average how many close friends do adults have?

FS: fuel tank and 2 white water tanks $250 large swamp cooler $100 black large boxes $25 each 580-928-3849

LF: zero turn lawn mower 799-7373

FS: carport 20x18x9h $800 lawn mower trailer 16w x 13 with ramps 580-303-0937

FS: large west African art collection 580-334-2477

GARAGE SALE: 719 N Clarence Nash Blvd. window units and whirlpool side by side fridge 580-402-6250

FS: proform recumbent exercise bike 580-225-1399

INVITE: Vici stampede rodeo Friday and Saturday BIG EVENT

LF: single shot shotguns 580-706-0821

FS: 2017 Polaris phoenix 200  4wheller $2300 great condition 580-339-2966

FS: swimming pool zero turn riding lawn mower 3.o hay spike brush hogging 719-342-3059

FS: metal storage cabinets $25 each 580-660-0509

FS: woods box blade model HB84 7ft 3.o hookup- GR22 ft gooseneck tandem axle trailer 405-850-0494

FS: registers toy Australian Shepard black tri ready for a home FREE: 2 fixed female cats 2yo and FS: a treadmill gold gym $200  580-729-0744

FS: Erick OK pot belly pigs 2f 1 m 580-928-7464

FREE: American Stafford pup 7 months old female 580-660-0895

REHOMING: 2 year old German Shepard male $50 580-799-0300

FS: tv stand 3 tier glass and wood fits 65" make offer and tackle box fully loaded and livestock box for back of the pickup 580-500-7228

LF: small dog female 580-500-8235

FS: AKC register Lab puppies 580-729-1141

LF: transmission 1995 Toyota Tacoma automatic 580-309-1391

FS: play station 4 pampered chef snap on tool 500-9020

Answer: 3


I have three 177 caliber pellet rifles for sale. One is a RWS Diana for $100. It has a scope on it. Another one is an Umarex Stopshox scoped for $100. The third one is an Air arms TX 200 scoped for $500. I also have 70 packages of 177 caliber pellets various brands. My number is 580-644-5015. Thank you very much. Metric tools, sockets wrenches, ect, lots of tools with tool box. $100. 580-644-5015 I have a Canyon Roto Mold 101 quart ice chest for $100. 5806445015 I have a Maxx chainsaw chain grinder/sharpener for $100. 580-644-5015 I have approximately 70 tins of .177 cal. pellets for $5 each. 580-644-5015. I have a set of walkers game ear with two-way radios $100.

For sale; 22' fold up NH3 plow w Hyd. shut off 26'P.T.O. Auger, portable w wheels and hitch 1 (405)388-1684 no text please, Equipment can be seen in Butler, 2 blocks south of Fire station7

I have a 500 smith and Wesson Magnum 8-3/8 inch barrel,Ammo,brass and reloading dies . 1250.00 Text 580-799-7836 OBO

Multi family garage sale Friday and Saturday at 2054 w 7 th place Elk city 9:00 till when ever

I have a Maytag washer and dryer set for sale. Nice set nothing wrong with them just upgraded to something else. We added on extra storage drawers underneath both of them. Located in Sweetwater Oklahoma I'll take $500 or best offer 5808781306

Great Dane puppies ready to go! They have had their first shots and first round of dewormer and are eating solid puppy food twice a day, They will be covered until June 12th. These are great family pets all puppies have a mellow temperaments, so mellow they all laid in a laundry basket together to go to the vet and get shots and they didn't even whine when they got their shots! Beautiful colors, boys and girls to pick from and some have blue eyes! Asking $500, for info and pics TEXT 405-693-8748 pictures are of mom and dad, and puppies in the basket just because everybody should have the opportunity to smile! Have a blessed day!

For Sale. Baby calf huts also work well for show animals or larger pets. 580 301 4874

Garage Sale: Friday 2 till 6. Saturday 8 till 1. Lots of neat stuff. 1615 W. Country Club.

Lost 7 month old male tri- colored Lhasa Apso since Tuesday. He looks like a rag mop. Lol 😂 His name is Buddy and his mom is frantic to find him. If found please return to 313 Parkview Place. Text only (owner deaf) 580-390-0110. Please help us find him!

iso lease land around Cheyenne ok Berlin ok Sayre ok surrounding areas 80 +++ acres I will take care of your land just looking to grow my small cattle operation 580 339 6673 call or text

Co-Dependents Anonymous meetings every Wednesday Noon at The Promise Center, 321 North Main in Elk City! Come build healthy relationships living relationships!

Alcoholics Anonymous meetings every night 7pm @ 105 Meadow Ridge Drive in Elk City.

For Sale: Tailgate for 2012 Dodge Ram 3500. Good condition. $100.00. Call or text 580-254-1157 For Sale: Gravity Inversion Therapy Table. Used very little. $100.00. Call or text 580-254-1157 For Sale: VERMEER Round Baler 605G. Needs belt. Has been shedded. Have manual. $1,000.00. Call or text 580-254-1157

Several boxes of 22 shells. Mostly from 60s and 70s Marlin 30-30 synthetic Henry 22 5802438002

John Deere 9320 4 wheel drive tractor with 9600hrs on it, has a globe and atu on it, also a 2410 John Deere 41’ plow. 706-0150

I have a complete 6.0 chevy moter for sell call for info 5803900583

Several boxes of 22 shells. Mostly from 60s and 70s Marlin 30-30 synthetic Henry 22 5802438002

Golden doodle puppies for sale Shots and wormed Ready for new homes call or text 580-301-1184

I still have items I have for sale. I know I'm repeating here but I need something to sell now. PLEASE HELP! First, I have a basketball goal with a strong, stationary metal pole for $100. A metalfuel tank $250 or A small welding trailer $250 firm. They are listed with pictures and other items as well on Facebook Marketplace under Aveta Coffey. Or call me at (580)-729-0375, thank you and have a good day.

Announcement for this weekend CraFt SHow - LocaL Artist At PutNaM Sr. CitizeNS BuiLdiNg, PutNam, OK 73659 Sat. May 25, 2024 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SUN. May 26, 2024 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Crafts,food,jellies,jams,custom silver jewelry and more! We will be serving sandwiches and snacks for donations while you're there. There will be a Putnam senior citizens sign out front white metal building can't miss it Also wanted to post that I have a doe goat for sale you can reach me at 5809401463