Tuesday TRADIO: Motorcycles and MORE!

FS: 6ft by 12ft single axle $325 obo and 9 gallons of gray Sherman Williamson paint and 6ft bushhog blade right and left 580751-0384 will trade for riding lawn mower

FS: 2002 Harley Davidson ultra classic $8000 obo 580-303-1907

FS: 2006 ford f250 ext. cab gas 580-799-2131

LF: 22 250 rifle and FS: cobra 29 LTD classic CV radio 970-3028

FS: riding lawnmower and brush hoggin in elk area 719-342-3059

FS: 20 gauge pump with 3 boxes of shells $325 580-374-5602

FS: 1997 Buick 4 door 185k miles $1200 580-706-0220

AUCTION: Erick farm and misc. 1030 12 580-439-4997

FS: Boston terrier pup and male Australian Shepherd 580-614-1241

LF: used mini van $1000 580-799-0313

FS: hoover bagless vacuum $30 hp desk jet printer $15 and Bissell all surface sweeper $20 580-243-8364

FS: 1997 dodge fully loaded new tires $2500 and tv stand $100 580-500-7228

FS: king size mattress Tempur-Pedic very clean $300 580-515-2430

FS: Thomasville dining room table and 6 chairs and 2 leaves $2500 580-808-5057

FS: 2 and 1/2 year old jack mini $200 580-782-3517

FREE: 7 kittens 580-339-1811 580-302-1581

LF: rent or buy storage container 580-339-6531

FS: training for cattle dogs and private lessons FS: antique manure spreaders and new used radio antennas 580-497-6760

GARAGE SALE: Home stuff entertainment center Etc. 719 N Clarence Nash Blvd. Watonga OK 580-402-6250

FS: 22ft chain and eureka vacuum cleaner 3 20 gal fish tanks with stands 580-799-0254


I want to sell a drop box transfer case from a 2.5 ton army truck. $500 text 580.395.0001

(2) side by side refrigerator, black in color, both work good, ice and water in the door...$200 ea obo ITS Time for the GARDEN!!! Craftsman self driven Rototiller, 14" tines, 6.0 HP motor $200 OBO.. needs a carburetor Set of French doors for home or shed , included with frame work and hardware Make offer , many other items..will accept reasonable offers 580 643 9008

I got some dogs cages and 2 climbing gear kits and a microwave and a lawn mower and 2 window AC units for sale if anyone is interested give me a call at 580 2108367

95 gallon fuel tank / tool box combo. Good shape asking $750 Located Cordell 405-287-5615

Hello I have a standard jack donkey for sale asking 600 I also have a miniature mule (son of the jack donkey) for sale for 400 you can reach me at 5807993282

Got a 98 ford ranger 228000 miles runs and drives good new tires and good gas mileage no pictures for sale or trade for 18 to 20 ft pontoon boat 580 371 7629

Ria tac ultra fs hc 2011 9mm Olight baldr light 3mags Original box Gun runs perfect Trade for other guns no shotguns no 22 $700obo Palmetto ar15 stainless barrel 224 Valkyrie Vortex crossfire scope Bipod 900obo Ruger American 6.5 Grendel Threaded Bushel scope Ar mag 550 obo 5807911292

I have two Giant Schnoodle girls Black . These make amazing working dogs out on a farm. They want to be active and they will train for anything you want to train them for High protection drive Started a lot of training already 11 weeks 580-243-8336

Riding season is coming! 2006 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic 18000 miles has trailer hitch but never pulled trailer text 580-705-0210

Looking for a farming job in Erick or Sayre. Call me at 580 461 8347

I have a John Deere 8300 single disc 8 inch spacing grain drill. New hydraulic hoses and cylinder, new drag chains, new seed tubes, 1 new tire. Used this past fall. $1500. Call 580-471-8400

Miller 350p mig or pulse mig very little use $3750 or trade for farm machinery Vermeer R23 hydraulic manual fold hay rake needs a few teeth but good rake $5000 Call or text 580-821-6394

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