ECPD Hands out Annual Awards


December 14, 2023

The Elk City Police Department announced the recipients of yearly awards recently.

According to a post on the Department’s Facebook page, awards handed out included:

▪️Officer of the Year: PTL. Kirby Jones

▪️Dispatcher of the Year: Kim Chaney

▪️Animal Control Award for dedication to service: Krystal Stone

▪️Award of dedication to service: Capt. Det. Sammy Weygand

▪️Years of Service Awards:

Captain Shawn Tuck- 15 years of service

Det. Ray Chatham- 15 years of service

Det. Vanessa Doty- 10 years of service

CPL. Marc Daniel- 10 years of service

CPL. Jesse Meyer- 5 years of service

PTL. Chase Wood- 5 years of service

▪️Life Saving Awards:

SGT. Jason Harris

Det. Ray Chatham

CPL. Marc Daniel

PTL. Zander Doby

PTL. Wyatt Anderson

▪️A special Thank You Award for appreciation to Danny Britton for the department’s partnership with the Western Technology Center.

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