March 10, 2020
By News Director Jared Atha
The Elk City School board met in regular session Monday night and had a discussion regarding district enrollment trends and the possibility of future bonds towards infrastructure needs.
Superintendent Rick Garrison says the district is currently in it’s second year of using the current format of classes placed in the four school sites. He says he now has a better understanding as to what kind of building needs the district may encounter by the year 2031.
Garrison says the current middle school, which was the former high school, will be 75 years old in 2031, and may need to be the first building addressed when the time comes.
He says the model used to help project enrollment numbers is based off the first pre-kindergarten class that attended Elk City Elementary. That number was 212 students, the largest class in the district. Based on projections, the high school could house 675 students by 2031. Currently, the high school has an enrollment of 571 students.