Grant Funds Approved For Elk City Airport Projects


January 31, 2024

Elk City was a big topic of discussion during Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Oklahoma Aerospace and Aeronautics commission.

During the Airport Construction Grant Program Consent Docket portion of the meeting, the commission approved a grant that will go towards the construction of a new terminal building at Elk City Regional Airport.

City Manager Tom Ivester breaks down the approved funds for the project.

The commission also approved grant dollars to be used towards utility work for the terminal building and hangar projects, in which Ivester says the majority of that project will be paid for by the state.

Finally, the commission approved the construction of a 100’x150’ hangar at the airport. Based on bids, the total project cost is $2,142,433.05 and will be funded with $856,973 of state grant funds and $1,285,460.05 of sponsor matching funds.

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Students Attend Education Expo

By Landry Brewer Several area high school students mixed with college, university, and technology school representatives at the recent Western Oklahoma Education Expo at Elk City’s Convention Center. The 34th annual event sponsored by the Elk City