Press Release
Oklahoma Water Resources Center is set to conduct well water analysis
for citizens in Beckham County. Samples will be accepted at Great
Plains Regional Medical Center in the cafeteria meeting rooms, from
5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 7th. The results of the
tests will be provided directly to citizens.
free-service-to-public screening program also includes an
informational presentation on Oklahoma groundwater and on water
quality indicators that are tested to ensure that your well water is
safe to drink. Information is also provided on contaminants, how/why
they are present in your drinking water, and how to treat the water
to return it to a potable source.
owners who would like to have their well water analyzed for free are
encouraged visit
The purpose of the well water screening is to help well owners better
understand and safeguard their drinking water quality.
2018, we surveyed citizens across Oklahoma on what their biggest
water resource concerns were,” said Kevin Wagner, Oklahoma Water
Resource Center Director. “Consistently across the state,
Oklahoman’s key concern was drinking water quality.”
program helps begin addressing this concern by helping citizens
relying on a private well to get their well water screened for key
contaminants and then provide them with information on how to address
any concerns identified,” said Jeff Sadler, Oklahoma State
University Assistant Professor and Water Resources Extension
samples will be screened for nitrates, total dissolved solids, pH and
bacteria. This program is brought to you free of charge by Great
Plains Regional Medical Center, with financial support provided by
the Oklahoma Water Resources Center. We encourage you to bring in
your samples and attend this event.