One Vehicle Accident Near Clinton Hospitalizes Texas Woman


June 6, 2023

By News Director Jared Atha

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is investigating the cause of a one vehicle accident near Clinton Tuesday morning that put a Canyon, Texas woman in the hospital.

According to the collision report provided by the OHP, the accident occurred just after 8 a.m. at Exit 66 on Interstate 40 when troopers said 43-year-old Viviana P. Najera departed the road to the left and struck a delineator with her 2004 Ford F-150. Troopers said Najera then left the roadway and overturned one time. As a result the driver was pinned for approximately 15 minutes before being freed by crews with the Clinton Fire Department.

OHP said Najera was flown to OU Medical Center in Oklahoma City and admitted in stable condition with trunk internal injuries.

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Students Attend Education Expo

By Landry Brewer Several area high school students mixed with college, university, and technology school representatives at the recent Western Oklahoma Education Expo at Elk City’s Convention Center. The 34th annual event sponsored by the Elk City