May 4, 2020
By News Director Jared Atha
Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford and Sayre has announced that it intends to resume in-person teaching, learning and residential life for the Fall 2020 semester.
In a press release issued Monday, SWOSU President Randy Beutler said the university will use a measured approach to the fall semester.
School officials say many of SWOSU’s faculty and students need access to classrooms, library, rehearsal rooms and labs to fully engage with their learning, research and instruction.
President Beutler said it will be important to recognize that campus life will be different when the fall semester resumes in August. SWOSU will continue to monitor developments in the western Oklahoma area and the state related to the virus.
Using this information, SWOSU will analyze and develop ways in which students, faculty and staff can safely return to campus, including safety protocols such as social distancing will be important in the return to classrooms, labs and residence halls. The dining facility serving lines are being changed to improve safety. Future plans will also include recommendations regarding the use of protective masks, testing and other tools. SWOSU will also consider ways to reduce the density of groups in campus housing, dining facilities and classrooms.
In the statement, President Beutler acknowledged that some students and faculty may not be able to risk teaching or attending in-person classes. He says university officials will develop strategies for fall instruction which will involve a blend of online and face-to-face classes.
SWOSU Fall semester classes begin August 17.