By Landry Brewer
Elk City, OK – As Elk City’s Downtown Construction Project moves into its next phase, downtown businesses are doing their best to meet shoppers’ needs.
Crews completed work at Main & 7th and have begun working on Main Street and its sidewalks from 3rd to 5th Street. According to the timeline provided by the Job Inspector, this stretch should be completed in July.
Since the east side of Main Street is under construction, two-way traffic is confined to two lanes on the west side of the street. When work begins on the west side, traffic will be moved to the east side.
Downtown businesses on Main Street are working hard to make shopping locally as easy as possible.
When front-door entrances are unavailable, shoppers should be prepared to use back entrances if they’re available.
One of the challenges facing some downtown businesses is the absence of parking on Main Street.
A recent Facebook post by The Candy Shack conveys the difficulties facing downtown shops.
“Owning a business downtown isn’t for the weak,” the post reads. “I remember last year people parking in front, running in and almost buying me out of our Valentines. This year was so different, but…people did show up. We love our customers, and I can’t Thank You enough for coming to see us.”
Ladybugs Kloset owner Sue Wallin knows that short-term disruptions are the price of long-term progress.
In addition to the absence of parking in front of Main Street businesses, another hurdle for business owners and customers is the smaller sidewalk area.
“New streets and new sidewalks will benefit downtown Elk City in the long run,” Wallin said. “In the short run, we want our customers and all local shoppers to know that downtown businesses are still here providing the goods and services that make their lives better.”
The $11.5 million-dollar Downtown Construction Project is managed by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.