May 3, 2021
By News Director Jared Atha
The Clinton City Council is scheduled to meet in regular session Tuesday night in Clinton City Hall.
According to the agenda, while acting as the Industrial Authority the council will consider the sale of surplus property at 223 N. 4th Street. While acting as the Public Works Authority the council will receive an update on the Clinton Lake Water Treatment Plant rehab project and an update on the emergency repairs to the wastewater and water facilities due to the recent winter storms.
During the city council portion of the meeting, the council will consider the purchase of a cemetery mini truckster for the cemetery, and also act on a resolution for the purpose of electing officers of the City of Clinton. The resolution calls for the elections of wards one and three. The primary election for those seats, if needed, is scheduled for September 14th, while the general election, if needed, is scheduled to take place on November 9th.
Tuesday’s meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m.