December 7, 2020
By News Director Jared Atha
The Elk City School Board is scheduled to meet in regular session tonight.
Based on the agenda it appears to be “business as usual” for the board except for one line item – taking action on the resignation of Superintendent Rick Garrison.
Garrison announced his impending retirement last week.
Immediately following the announcement, the board is scheduled to convene into an executive session to discuss the resignation. Board President Brandon Storm says it is expected that the board will form a search committee to begin the process of finding Garrison’s successor.
In other business the board will take action to approve or not approve the use of the State of Oklahoma Roof Asset Management Program and to hire Ford Roofing and Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services to complete roofing projects for the district. The school is about to enter into Phase 5 of the 2020 Storm Damage Reroof Project. This phase will see repair work done to the Junior High Annex, Ticket Booth, Visitors Concession building, and the women’s dressing room / concession building.
The board is also expected to receive an update on the district’s Return to Learn Plan.
Tonight’s final meeting of the Elk City School Board of the fall semester is at 6:00 p.m. at the Elk City Board of Education Central Office.