Fatal Sunday Accident Near Arnett


March 11, 2024

Authorities responded to a single vehicle accident Sunday morning in Ellis County.

Unfortunately, as a result a Kansas man lost his life.

According to the collision report provided by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, the accident occurred just before 7 a.m. on a county road six miles west and five and a half miles south of Arnett when 66-year-old George Edward Doan of Dodge City, Kansas failed to negotiate a curve while driving a 2021 International Truck.

Troopers said the truck rolled one-half times before resting on its top.

The report stated that Doan was extricated by the Arnett Fire Department using the jaws of life, however was pronounced deceased on the scene.

OHP listed the cause of the crash is inattention, and also said the condition of the driver is still under investigation.

No other vehicles were involved.

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