One School Board Race Develops in Roger Mills County


December 6, 2022

By News Director Jared Atha

Candidates for the Board of Education in area school districts began filing Declarations of Candidacy yesterday.

As of 5p.m. Monday only one race has developed in the area. In Cheyenne for board seat number 3, Amanda Bryson and Tosha Estrada have declared their intentions to run for the seat.

Other filings include:

Elk City
No. 3
Yusuke Harase

No. 3
Wes Graham

No. 3
Brandon Hickey

No. 1
Rusty Rousch

No. 3
Jo Lynn Elder

No. 3
Susanna Williams

No. 1
Traci Hajny

No. 3
Linda A. Edwards

Burns Flat-Dill City
No. 3
Brian Mooney

No. 3
Steven Schuster

No. 3
Phil W. Delp

Election officials remind that Declaration of Candidacy forms must be completed and submitted to election board offices no later than 5p.m. Wednesday. Contests of Candidacy must be filed no later than Friday.

The Primary Election will be held Tuesday, February 14, while the Board of Education General Election will take place on April 4.

We’ll have the latest candidate filings Wednesday and Thursday.

Copyright 2022 Paragon Communications. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission.


Students Attend Education Expo

By Landry Brewer Several area high school students mixed with college, university, and technology school representatives at the recent Western Oklahoma Education Expo at Elk City’s Convention Center. The 34th annual event sponsored by the Elk City