The Early Morning Show

Unfortunate Fishing Trips. News Signs in Town. Graceland Foreclosed On? Richest Counties in OK.

Financial Info W/The Baca Boys. Tornado Tourism. Sheriff Manning.

$ For Coach K & Lincoln Riley. Clinton & EC Graduation. Name That Tune.

Mangum Alumni News. Bodily Functions at Meal Time. Name That Tune.

Last Day of School. Coach Gotlieb. Huey Lewis. Name That Tune. Spotlight on Elk City.

Is Tom Kidding? Singers Who Run Out of Material. Lawman Bass Reeves.

Refusal to Be Bored. State Tennis Tournament. Wildlife Update With Lt. James Edwards.

Nathan & Half of His Kids

OKC’s Basketball Coach. Is Carrie Underwood Done? Spotlight on EC.
Mark Daigneault never played college or pro basketball, but he’s the NBA Coach of the Year. Is Carrie Underwood’s career effectively over? Upcoming events in Elk City, with Convention ...Read more