

Tuesday TRADIO: There’s a “MOVE” Happening

QotD: Seven in ten adults haven’t had a new one of these in the last five years. What is it? FS: storage 8x18ft 580-393-1362 Sentinel FS: Halloween costumes female 3xl bat skeleton $20; 18m ...Read more


Monday TRADIO: Misc. Items and MORE!

QotD: About 10% of people have a fear of these. What are they? FS: Thomasville dining room table 6 chairs 2 leaves; 24″ mongoose mountain bike $50; 580-890-0004 FS: seasoned firewood; LF: ...Read more


Friday TRADIO: FREE Items and MORE!

QotD: 75% of people can ONLY do THIS for about a minute. What is it? FS: Thomasville dining room  suit 6 chairs 2 leaves $400; 24′ mongoose bike $50 580-890-0004 INVITE: living water UPC ...Read more


THIS IS TRADIO: Exclusive Details and MORE!

QotD: One in Seven People Sleep in THIS at night? FS: frigid air fridge 719 n clarence n 580-402-6250 WATONGA CHEESE FESTIVAL: Friday and Saturday FS: deer hunting items; 12 ft tall deer stand ...Read more


Midweek TRADIO: Odd and Ends Plus MORE!

QotD: Most people consider this a priority but they don’t do it? GARAGE SALE: 807 W Country Club Elk City Saturday Oct. 12th 8am-5pm The Way FS: 3.o hydraulic post pounder $400; 3kw generator ...Read more


Tuesday TRADIO: Misc. Items and MORE!

QotD: What is something you do every day but never actually remember starting or finishing? GARAGE SALE: 807 W Country Club Elk City Saturday Oct. 12th 8am-5pm The Way FS: Thomasville dining room ...Read more



QotD: 37% of people admit to doing this despite knowing its dangerous. What is it? FS: Woodward trailer for lawnmower; Moreland property; 1902 on 3 acres $150k each; gate 18ft long $25 make offers ...Read more


FRIDAY TRADIO: Sales, Events, and MORE!

QotD: People say this is the top sign they have reached middle age. INVITE: Cordell pumpkin fest oct 12th FS: seasoned firewood; FREE: cats; LF: someone to help cut wood 580-660-0402 FS: deer ...Read more


THURSDAY TRADIO: We Are All Invited!

QotD: The average person spends about 45 hours a year doing THIS. What is it? FS: zero turn John Deere F725 $600 580-928-9384 FS: chainsaw 16″ bar $60 580-928-9384 LF: ice cream maker ...Read more


Midweek TRADIO: Unique Items and MORE!

QotD: One of these typically lasts for 5 days? FS: 2017 John Deere Tractor 4044m. 106 total hours. eHydro transmission. 4WD. 400E loader. 44 horsepower. RC 2072 brush cutter included. Always stored ...Read more