Friday TRADIO: Misc. Items and MORE!
FS: lot in Mangum 50×160 piano desk 580-318-1512 FS: 19 horse John Deere 42″ in lawn mower $100 on demand water heater propane $50 225 60 16 $60 580-751-0384 YARD SALE: Saturday 9-1 1011 ...Read more
FS: lot in Mangum 50×160 piano desk 580-318-1512 FS: 19 horse John Deere 42″ in lawn mower $100 on demand water heater propane $50 225 60 16 $60 580-751-0384 YARD SALE: Saturday 9-1 1011 ...Read more
FS: 2 kitchen dining room table chairs $10 e $15 both like new fold up walker $12 artic king 5000 110 AC $35 580-210-1366 FS: table and 6 chairs and 2 leaves $2500 stainless steal mini fridge $100 ...Read more
LF: flat bed trailer lawnmower FS: gun safe and knives and brand new welder 799-7373 INVITE: living water UPC bible study at 5pm and regular service at 7pm FS: lot in Mangum 580-318-1512 FS: 1 ASDR ...Read more
FS: 2 window unit ac one is $40 and other is $25 like new kitchen faucet $12 580-210-1366 FS: 16×8 chicken coop $3000 Australian Shephard litter rock and diamond kennels 580-547-9165 FS: ...Read more
FS: 2008 Toyota Prius 200k miles $1000 in Sayre 580-302-4967 FS: dining room kitchen table $2500 580-808-5057 FS: gun safe and welder 2 knives 580-799-7373 GARAGE SALE: 518 N Madison in Elk ...Read more
FS: chrome kitchen faucet with sprayer and water purifier $12 gas power leaf blower $15 580-210-1366 SALE: personal property sale 411 E locust in Sayre 9-6 today and tomorrow FS: portable dish ...Read more
LF: lawnmower trailer rear tine tiller 580-799-7373 LF: 10 used power 580-339-6673 FREE: scanner copier chainsaw and old tiller edger FS: Lot in Mangum 50×160 580-318-1512 FS: treadmill ...Read more
FS: 2003 x type jaguar 90k miles not running henry 4570 single shot rifle $700 405-545-0305 FS: 125 gal fish tank $300 806-334-1094 LF: welding trailer FS: 80 gal air compressor 719-342-3059 YARD ...Read more
LF: trailer tractor and lawnmower tiller 580-799-7373 FS: weed eater $20 580-210-0810 LF: washing machine elk city 210-8240 FS: 2004 20ft 6.8ft wide gooseneck stock trailer $6000 580-330-1363 FS: ...Read more
FS: 95 chevy bus propane fridge standard and hub caps 580-390-0179 FREE: puppies 580-330-9426 call/text FS: brush hog and tractor accessories will trade for riding mower 580-281-0841 FS: weed eater ...Read more