Today in Ag

“Today in Ag” is a daily radio show airing at noon on 96.5FM KECO, hosted by Jimmy Clark. The show covers the latest news and developments in the agriculture industry, including topics such as farming practices, livestock management, industry trends, and government policies that affect farmers and ranchers.

Listeners can expect to hear expert interviews with industry leaders and experts, as well as updates on local and national events related to agriculture. The show provides valuable insights and information for farmers, ranchers, and anyone interested in the latest news and trends in the agricultural industry.

With a focus on education and information, “Today in Ag” is a must-listen for anyone involved in or interested in agriculture. Tune in every weekday at noon to stay informed and up-to-date on the latest in agricultural news and developments.



Damon Culver and James Chester talk with Jimmy Clark about Cyclone Metal barns.


Ride Safe Foundation

Kristen Almer talks with Jimmy Clark about the Ride Safe Foundation


Brandon Hickey


Friday Wildfires


Red Flag Warnings


The Cotton King

Jimmy Clark and Jimmy Rhodes talk tariffs, President Trump, and inputs.


Brandon Hickey

Brandon Hickey talks with Jimmy Clark about heifer and steer prices at the Elk City and Western Oklahoma Livestock sale.


Grammar Tuesday

Bail or Bale when talking hay?


Today Ag News


Brylee Pritchard

Brylee Pritchard talks Jimmy Clark about her Thailand trip.


Tariffs, Inputs, Etc


Shelby Strobel

Shelby Strobel and Jimmy Clark talk about the upcoming 2025 U-Pick Tulip Season


Brandon Hickey


John Deere 4320


Pearcy Angus Cattle Bull Sale


Brandon Hickey and Vet Talk


Davis Angus Bull Sale

Jim Davis, Deb, Nocona, Jordon and Kep talk with Jimmy Clark about the upcoming Davis Angus Bull Sale.


Clinton FFA Chapter


Merritt and Elk City FFA Chapters


Quartermaster Creek Bull Sale

Mioke Switzer and Jimmy Clark talked about his bull sale coming up. Erick FFA chapter talked about National FFA week.


Brandon Hickey


FFA Week Day 6

Thomas-Fay-Custer City FFA chapter talk with Jimmy Clark about National FFA Week


FFA Week Day 5

Burns Flat/Dill City FFA chapter


FFA Day 4

Leedy and Mangum FFA chapters talked to Jimmy Clark about National FFA wek.


Jordon Davis Cook

Jimmy Clark and Jordon Davis Cook talk about Cattle Con, Washita County Fair and Cattle Fax


FFA Day #2

Blair and Arapaho/Butler FFA chapters talk with Jimmy Clark about National FFA Week.


FFA Week Day #1

Canute and Sweetwater FFA chapters talk with Jimmy Clark about National FFA Week.


Brylee Pritchard

Brylee Pritchard and Jimmy Clark talk gardening and Thailand


Crazy Farm News

Death Valley Mule Trains and the Bird Flu!!


Brandon Hickey

Brandon Hickey talks with Jimmy about sale results from Elk City and Western Oklahoma Livestock auctions


Monday News


Lynda Lucas

Lynda Lucas talked with Jimmy Clark about the upcoming Western Oklahoma All Breed Bull Sale.


Brandon Hickey

Big sale at Western Oklahoma Livestock Auction


Monday AG News


Wednesday Ag News


Brandon Hickey


Chiasson Smoke

Miranda and Jason Chiasson talk with Jimmy Clark about their adventures in Montana, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Louisiana and the birth of the Rocket Stove!!


Brandon Hickey

Brandon Hickey and Jimmy Clark talk about the record high cattle prices.


Monday Ag News


Brylee Pritchard

Brylee Pritchard and Jimmy Clark talk about the upcoming plastic culture training event Feb. 1 at the Western Oklahoma Technology Center in Elk City


Dr. Harry Anderson Total Feeds

Dr. Harry Anderson w/Total Feeds talks with Jimmy Clark, Dale Kennemer and Kent Watkins about Total Equine feed.


Brandon Hickey

Brandon Hickey and Jimmy Clark talk about the high cattle prices at the sale barns.


Monday Ag News


Friday Ag Tips


Marcus Thibodeau

Marcus Thibodeau and Jimmy Clark talk about the new brush rig at Crawford Fire Department.


President Jimmy Carter


Wind Towers and Hay


Friday Markets


Jimmy Rhodes AKA Cotton King


Ranch Conversation

The Ranch Conversation at the Woodward County Fairgrounds


Soil Bank and CRP


Brandon Hickey


Steers, FFA, 4H and Parents

Haley Robertson and Jimmy Clark talk 4H and FFA


Female Hunters and Watch Dogs


Dennis Crow

Dennis Crow (580) 704-3277 Apache COOP and Jimmy Clark talk about the use of chemicals on stickers aka grass burrs.


Big AG


NFR Update with Tommy Tucker


Gardening with Brylee


Kent Watkins

Kent Watkins talks about Total Equine feed being sold now at SEI Agri Tech


Brandon Hickey

Sale barn talk with Jimmy Clark and Brandon Hickey


Hay Wrap On or Off?


New World Screwworm

One case of the NWS was found in Mexico.


Brandon Hickey 11-26-24


Dr. Jerry Dunn and Clancey Harris

Dr. Jerry Dunn Assoc. Professor at SWOSU talked to Jimmy Clark about economics in ag at SWOSU. Clancey Harris talks about being the president of the SWOSU Collegiate Farm Bureau Chapter


Jill Meador

Jill Meador talks with Jimmy Clark about Oklahoma State hosting the National ACT Professional Development Conference


Deer Rifle Season


Brandon Hickey

Elk City and Western Oklahoma Livestock auction results


Jimmy Emmons

Jimmy Emmons talks with Jimmy Clark about his nomination for US Secretary of Agriculture.


Kelsey and Lance Barhite

Kelsey Barhite talks with Jimmy Clark about health on the farm and ranch.


Jake Hooker


Donnie Walker

Donnie Walker and Jimmy Clark talk about being Veterans.


Boots O’Neal

Joe Merrick and Jimmy Clark talk with Boots O’Neal about 70 years of being a cowboy.


Election is Over Finally!!


Brandon Hickey

Weaned calf


Big Rains


Brylee Pritchard

Brylee Pritchard and Jimmy Clark talked with Mr Q, Ag teacher from Elk City, Oklahoma.


Joe Merrick

Joe Merrick and Jimmy Clark talk about the Inaugural Cattlemen’s Ball


K-Bar Ranch and Matt Lautner Cattle


Brandon Hickey


Wind and Cattle Thefts

Today in Ag podcast logo

Sound Guard Cabs


Taylor Ranch


Brandon Hickey

Brandon Hickey talks with Jimmy Clark about the livestock sales at Elk City and Western Oklahoma.


Trent Britton

Trent Britton and Jimmy Clark talk about relief efforts by TTS and Cudd for the Hurricane Helene.


Hunting and Agriculture


Brandon Hickey

Sale barn reports


Monday in AG


The Cotton King

Jimmy Clark and Jimmy Rhodes talk about cotton balers and much more.


Brandon Hickey

Sale barn results and how to pronounce Agga-culchur.


Hurricane Relief


Monday Ag News

Hurricane funds, droughts and much more.


Rylee Broadbent

Jimmy Clark talks with Rylee Broadbent about going to work at Superior Livestock after graduating from Oklahoma State University.


Kent Watkins


Brandon Hickey


Hurricane Helene


OYE Shooting Sports


Imports and Exports


McIntire Red Angus

Crystal and Rance McIntire talk with Jimmy Clark about the upcoming fall sale at their ranch.


Friday AG News


Brandon Hickey

Jimmy Clark and Brandon Hickey talk about the cattle sales at ECLA and WOLA.


Farm Bill


Black Headed Buzzards

Brylee Pritchard and Jimmy Clark talked to Lt. James Edwards about Black Vultures.


NFL and Beef

NFL Pro Hall of Fame inductees were served CAB beef this year.



Jimmy Taylor talks cattle and budgets with Jimmy Clark. Mark Eisele talks about EID tag mandates.


Kirk Feeds

Shane Kirk talks with Jimmy Clark about their new feed store in Erick, Ok.


Farm Bill and Feedlots

Huge feedlot opening soon in Nebraska


Fake Milk Cows and Feral Pigs


Hay Day Tuesdays

Brandon Hickey and Jimmy Clark talked about sale at Elk City Livestock Auction. 50 round bales of bluestem from 2023 $65 a bale can load Monday thru Friday 8am to 5pm elk city area 580-821-0881 400 round


Brylee Pritchard

Brylee Pritchard and Jimmy Clark talk about fall gardening.


Johnson Grass


Ag Income Down

Farm income predicted to be way down in 2024-25.


Brandon Hickey

Cattle market is having its little ups and downs, but still good.


It’s Monday in the Ag World


Crazy Ag World


Charles Rankin

Charles Rankin talks with Jimmy Clark about the irrigation issues in Idaho he talked about on Yanasa Tv.


Army Worms

Army worms are starting to show up in southern states.


EID Tags and Hay!!

Brandon Hickey talked with Jimmy Clark about the EID tags. 200 bales of Trictical Beardless hay 1100# bales $60/bale 580-399-0437 Foss, Ok 70 bales 5×6 wheat hay for sale 70.00 a bale 580 330 0719 Corn, Okla


Washita County Free Fair

Kamie, Bailey and Kendallyn Gossen along with Jerry Dunn talk with Jimmy Clark about the Washita County Free Fair.





Prussic Acid


Brandon Hickey

Brandon Hickey and Jimmy Clark talk about the sale barn results from the Elk City and Western Oklahoma Livestock sales.


North Fork Electric Cooperative

Brent Meador talked to Jimmy Clark about the upcoming NFEC meeting this Saturday


EID Tags and Rain!!


No Limit Land Management and Excavation

JJ Qibodeaux and Jimmy Clark talked about mulching cedar trees.


Brylee Pritchard

Brylee Pritchard and Jimmy Clark talk plastic culture among other things in gardens.


Pivot Bio

Jimmy Clark talked to Kent Watkins and Alisen Anderson about soil health and Pivot Bio.




Cattle Reports

Water woes in the west.


The Cotton King

Jimmy Rhoads talked to Jimmy Clark about cotton and tractor mechanics.



Jimmy Clark talked with Steve Hill and Kentrel Broom , Hona project manager for Phocas Farms.


Cattle and 4H

Haley Robertson talks to Jimmy Clark about 4H.


Beef Cuts


Crazy Ag World

Dairy farm numbers are down but production is up in the last 20 years.


Hamburg Steak??

Hamburg, Germany was more than likely the spot of the naming of the hamburger.


Frog Gigging and Farm Bills

Marcus Darling talked with Jimmy Clark about the Frog festival coming up August 3rd.


Trooper Kaleb Kemp

OHP Trooper Kemp talks with Jimmy Clark about farm equipment on the roadways.


Dry Fall and High cattle Prices

Dr Peel spoke at the OCA conference Saturday saying cattle prices will continue to be high.


Dust Bowl Fest

Nelda Tucker talked with Jimmy Clark about the Dust Bowl Festival this weekend in Sayre.


Rain Rain!

Lots of good rains in the OK and TX panhandle area.


EC and WO Sales

Brandon Hickey talked to Jimmy Clark about sale barn results at EC & WOL.


AG Economy


WASDE Report


Hay Day Tuesday


Tyler Wilhelm

Tyler Wilhelm stopped by to sing his new single Goodbye!


Mast Farms

Jenia Mast spoke with Jimmy Clark about their vegetable farm north of Weatherford, Oklahoma.


Rain Rain


Hay Prices


USDA Reports




Carbon Capture


Hot Hot & More Hot

The heat is here to stay. Cattle prices are at record highs.


Cattle Market


OCA Convention

Lori Campbell joined Jimmy Clark in talking about the OCA convention coming up next month.


Most Popular Tractor


Lake Optima

With the 1000 year rain in the panhandle yesterday Lake Optima still did not fill up much.


Horse and Treated Hay

Treated hay for mold will not hurt your horses.


High Cattle Prices

Brandon Hickey talked to Jimmy Clark about cattle prices at the sale barns.


Hot and Windy

Winds will be blowing 20-25 with gusts up to 40 the next few days.


Bird Flu and Irrigation Water


Accountability of your Cattle


Damron Farms

Jimmy Clark talked with Jack, Sarah, Sherry, Jake and all the grand-kids about harvesting wheat. Meals in the field seemed to be the hot topic!!


Wheat Harvest

Nocona Cook talked to Jimmy Clark about the wheat field fire that damaged two fire trucks from Colony and Cloud Chief fire departments.


Lower Wheat Prices


Wheat Harvest

Wheeler Brothers manager Andy Davis at Cordell gave Jimmy Clark a update on wheat harvest.


Lawn Life with Jesse

Jesse talked Jimmy Clark about fertilizers, grass care during hot weather and when to water.


Farm Safety

Farm equipment is all over the roads so please be aware and patient.


Cow Gas

FDA has approved a feed to help bring down methane gas in dairy cattle.


Happy Employees

Are your farm and ranch employees happy with more money?


Rain Dances

Some areas of our listening area still have not received much rain.


Wagner 4WD Tractors

Wagner 4WD tractors were consider the original 4WD Ag Tractor.


SW Oklahoma Storms

Storms rolled though western Oklahoma last night with lots of damage to homes and crops.



When to pick your tomatoes off the vine was the question today on the show!!


Noxious Weeds

Kenny Naylor talked to Jimmy Clark about the 3 Noxious weeds in Oklahoma. Spencer Smith talked to Jimmy Clark about planters.


Cattle Electronic Identification Tags


River Rights

River right!! When are you trespassing when on a river?


Cover Crops

Kent Watkins talked to Jimmy Clark about cover cropd and soil health.


IED Cattle Tags

Yes or No on the Cattle IED tags?


Livestock Sale Reports

Brandon Hickey talked to Jimmy Clark about the current livestock prices.


Jill’s Back

Jill Meador surprised Jimmy Clark by showing up to the studio at showtime. She is out for the summer from OSU.


Northern Lights and Crop Reports

Northern lights should be able to be seen tonight from Oklahoma and Texas.


Average Rainfall


Planter Tips


Hay and Cattle

Hay prices are down 10$ a ton and cattle prices are staying steady.


New Farm Bill Proposals

The House and Senate version are different in quite a few ways.


Tractors and Sprayers

Interest rates and oversupply of tractors.


Water Levels and Climate Smart Ag Loans

Nebraska groundwater level low due to low rainfall.


Weather and Wheat

Osu Wheat trials and tornado’s on the same day!!


IPAR Rodeo


Wheat Prices Increasing

Hard red winter wheat prices have increased in the last wheat.


Bird Flu Test

USDA is requiring dairy cattle to be tested for the bird flu before transporting across state lines.


Planter Tips


Cattle Prices Remain High

Brandon Hickey talked to Jimmy Clark about the cattle prices at the sale barns Friday and Saturday.


Bird Flu

Cow to cow is how the bird flu is transmitted according to the USDA.


Planter Tips

Spencer Smith talked with Jimmy Clark about getting your planter ready.


Annie Damron


Turkey Season

Cassandra Ausher with the North Fork Conservation District updated Jimmy Clark on current programs.


Farm Shows and Carbon Pipelines

SW Oklahoma Home and Farm Show


WADSE Report

The April WADSE report came out today. The report was all over the place with grains so the market showed it with lower prices.


Blood Drive and Planters

Spencer Smith from 4AG talked about getting your planter ready. Demerie Chervenka. Kyle Chervenka and Chad Rippetoe gave the run down on the Love Like Colter Memorial blood drive Friday at the EC Fire Department.


Sale Barn Numbers

Brandon Hickey updated Jimmy Clark on the results from the Elk City and Western Oklahoma sale barns.


Hemphill County Beef Conference

Andy Holloway talked to Jimmy Clark about the upcoming beef conference in Canadian, Texas,


Wolves In Colorado

Wolves kill first beef calf after being released in Dec. of 2023.


Striped Wheat Rust

OSU is reporting Strip Rust on wheat in Tillman and Jackson Counties


Planter Maintenance

Spencer Smith talks with Jimmy Clark about getting your planters ready to plant.


Hay Price Flat-line

Hay price have flat lined since April 2023. Bird flu in dairy cattle is now moved to a few more states.


22LR F-Class Association

Jimmy Clark talked with Greg Wedal about the plant sale starting at Western Oklahoma Technology Center in Burns Flat April 2. Jerry Newman talked about the 22 F-Class Match coming up April6 at 8:00 am.


Hunting and Fishing License Changes

Jill Meador was in for a surprised visit with Jimmy Clark. Lt. James Edwards talks turkey and goes over the new license fees.


Grazing CRP

The USDA has authori


Corn Planting Tips

Jimmy Clark and Kent Watkins talk about planting corn, summer forage and wheat.


Cattle Market Changes

Jimmy Clark and Brandon Hickey talk sale results from the Elk City and Western Oklahoma Livestock auctions.


Sweet Corn

Jimmy Clark talked about his weekend adventures and growing sweet corn!!!


Oklahoma Youth Expo

Jimmy Clark talked with Jackson Zorger, Duke FFA about winning Reserve Champion Angus with his steer at OYE 2024!


Dairy/Beef Cross Feeders

Dr Paul Beck and Jimmy Clark talked about breeding dairy cattle with beef cattle.


Planter Maintenance

Spencer Smith stopped by to talk with Jimmy Clark about getting the tractor and planter ready for this season.


National Ag Day

Brandon Hickey talks to Jimmy Clark about sale barn results from Friday and Monday.


Wildfires Killed 7000+

7,000 head of cattle were killed during the recent wildfires in Texas and Oklahoma. The number will probably be 10,000 when all said and done in the next few months.


OYE Ag Mechanics

Aiden Wood talks with Jimmy Clark about his hay bed he built for OYE!


Florida Lab Meat Ban

Florida will ban lab grown meat. Texas A&M Vet emergency team returns from the wildfires.


Farming in Germany

Franz Josef talks with Jimmy Clark about the farm protest in Europe.


Cattle Prices

Brandon Hickey talked to Jimmy Clark about the prices for cattle at the sale barn. Slaughter bull and cow prices are going off the chart for this time of the year.


USDA Funded Through Sept.

The president signed into law funding for the USDA until the end of September. Wildfire relief continues in OK and Tx.


Wet Weather

Jimmy Clark talked about government assistance for producers affected by the wildfires in Oklahoma and Texas.


Tx/Ok Wildfire Recovery

Jimmy Clark talked to Randy Holley about continued wildfire relief ops. The Oklahoma Governor Stitt lifted transportation night restrictions on trucking hay, feed and others item to fire victims.


Oklahoma Ag Secretary Blayne Arthur

Jimmy Clark talked to Oklahoma Ag Secretary Blayne Arthur and OCA NW director Lori Campbell as they were touring the wildfire areas around Gage.


Great Cattle Prices

Jimmy Clark talked to Brandon Hickey about the cattle prices at Elk City and Western Oklahoma Livestock sales. Randy Holley and Monty Tucker talked about the donations being made to Oklahoma Farm Bureau Foundation. Important Notice: Podcast


Wildfire Relief

Jimmy Clark talked about his neighbors and him helping with the relief efforts in the wildfire areas. Brent Brewer spoke about calling 988 if you needed someone to talk about mental stress.

Today in Ag podcast logo

Wildfire Update

Kay Watts talked with Jimmy Clark about the wildfire relief going in Hemphill County, Texas. Jimmy Also talked with a couple of ranchers about the damage on their ranch.


Tomatoes in a High Tunnel

We’re not talking about punching a time clock and working nine to five. We’re talking about working around the clock. Rain or shine, hot or cold, because crops and animals won’t wait. Jimmy knows all about it


Quartermaster Creek Bull Sale

Annie Switzer and Jimmy Emmons talked with Jimmy Clark about the bull sale live from Quartermaster Creek Ranch HQ. Jimmy Clark also talked about the wildfires in the Texas Panhandle and Western Oklahoma. We’re not talking about


Davis Angus

Jim, Debra Davis and Jordon Davis Cook talked to Jimmy Clark about their upcoming bull sale Saturday at 12:30. We’re not talking about punching a time clock and working nine to five. We’re talking about working around


Interview. Jim Davis

Davis Angus Bull Sale Jim, Debra Davis and Jordon Davis Cook talked to Jimmy Clark about their upcoming bull sale Saturday at 12:30.


Quartermaster Creek Bull Sale

Mike Switzer was in to talked to Jimmy Clark about the Quartermaster Creek Bull sale Wednesday Feb. 28th at 12:30 at the Ranch. G’day to all you great stewards of the land. It is Today in Ag


Interview: Mike Switzer

Quartermaster Creek Bull Sale Mike Switzer was in to talked to Jimmy Clark about the Quartermaster Creek Bull sale Wednesday Feb. 28th at 12:30 at the Ranch.


National FFA Week

The Arapho-Butler FFA Chapter was in the studio talking to Jimmy Clark about FFA.


National FFA Week

Cheyenne and Sentinel FFA chapters talk with Jimmy Clark about National FFA week!


Elk City and Mangum FFA Chapters

Elk City and Mangum FFA chapters came in to talk to Jimmy Clark about National FFA Week.


Sayre and Canute FFA Chapters

Sayre and Canute FFA Chapters were the studio talking about National FFA week.


National FFA Week

Sayre and Canute FFA Chapters Sayre and Canute FFA Chapters were the studio talking about National FFA week.


National FFA Week

Erick and Kelton FFA Chapters Erick and Kelton FFA Chapters came in today to talk about what they were doing to celebrate National FFA Week.


Interview: Becky Carroll

FFA Chapters and Pecan Education The Thomas-Fay-Custer City FFA chapter came in to talk about National FFA Week. Becky Carroll from OSU Extension talks about pecan harvest.


Blair and Merritt FFA

National FFA Week Blair FFA came in today along with Merritt. One of the young ladies was into rodeo and one was into starting a swine operation…


FFA Week

Zoe Carlise sang the National Anthem on the show today. She will be singing it at the OYE next month. What a great bunch of young adults from Sweetwater.


Sweetwater FFA

National Anthem Zoe Carlise sang the National Anthem on the show today. She will be singing it at the OYE next month. What a great bunch of young adults!


FFA Week

The Clinton FFA chapter came in to talk to Jimmy Clark about National FFA Week. They have all kinds of plans to visit schools and dress up days.


Clinton FFA

FFA Chapter Officers The Clinton FFA chapter came in to talk about National FFA Week. They have all kinds of plans to visit schools and dress up days.


Interview: Dr. Mark Z Johnson

Cow-Calf Corner Newsletter Dr. Johnson talked about how valuable the Cow/Calf newsletter was in keeping producers up on everything with cattle.


Cattle Inventory

Lowest Cattle Numbers Since 1951 Cattle numbers are down 228,000 head in Oklahoma since 2019. Exports were down in 2023 but it was the second highest ever.


High cattle and Low Hay prices

Brandon Hickey talked to Jimmy Clark about the high cattle prices. The USDA thinks hay price might have finally hit bottom.


Interview: Brandon Hickey

Have Hay Prices stopped Declining Brandon Hickey talked about the high cattle prices. The USDA thinks hay price might have finally hit bottom.


Cattle Prices Skyrocket

Inventory is Down! Sale barns around the state saw prices jump starting Thursday after the Cattle Inventory report came out.


Farm Bill

Jimmie Musick talked to Jimmy Clark about his recent trip to Washington D.C. Grain prices was one of the topics discussed along with crop insurance.


Interview: Jimmie Musick

Farm Bill and Wheat Prices Jimmie talked about his recent trip to Washington D.C. Grain prices was one of the topics discussed along with crop insurance.


CFBC Predator Hunt

Marcus Darling and Richard Moran talk about the predator hunt coming up to help raise money for mission trips.


Cattle Prices on Fire

Brandon Hickey talked to Jimmy Clark about the super hot prices on stockers and feeders at the sale barns Friday and Saturday.


Interview: Brandon Hickey

Great Cattle Market Brandon Hickey talked to Jimmy Clark about the super hot prices on stockers and feeders at the sale barns Friday and Saturday.


Interview: Lynda Lucas

Western Oklahoma All Breed Bull Sale Lynda and I talked about all the breeders and their bulls at the sale. The sale will be Feb. 3 at 12:15 this Saturday at the Red Barn just south of


OSU Wheat Varieties

OSUs Butler’s Gold, Strad CL Plus and High Cotton are wheat varieties that were talked about at the Enid Farm Show.


Wheat Varieties

Butlers Gold Butler’s Gold, Strad CL Plus and High Cotton are wheat varieties that were talked about at Enids farm show.


Hutson Angus Bull Sale

Bert Hutson talked with Jimmy Clark about the upcoming bull sale Jan. 27 at 1:00 Saturday. Mychal Newmiller from the US Custom Harvestors talked about the upcoming convention starting tomorrow in Oklahoma City.


Interview: Michelle Miller

GMO and Non-GMO Michelle said that GMOs are so misunderstood. Brandon gave updates on cattle prices at the sale Friday and Monday.


Wet Week Ahead

El Nino Staying Strong A very wet week is in the forecast. Mild temps will move in later towards the end of the week.


Beef Consumers

Surveying Consumers Freshness and quality is one of the big items consumers want. Price was not a big thing if the beef was good.


4 County Beef Seminar

OSU Extension Marty New, Dr. Biggs and Dr. Peel talk marketing, cow/calf nutrition and Veterinarian recruitment.


Interview: Emily Green

Wild Peanuts Emily talked A-Z about breeding wild peanuts to help improve disease and pest resistance in cultivated peanuts.


Interview: KC Shepard

Radio Oklahoma Ag Network KC talked to Jill and me about radio, English, not the right kind of English lol and much much more!!


Cattlemen”s Congress

Live from the Fairgrounds Great interviews with Oklahoma Cattleman’s Michael Kelsey, American Angus Assoc. Mark McCully and Bray Haven with Cattlemen’s Congress.


Strong Dollar

Commodity Price Weaker With inflation and a strong US dollar ag products are slowly going backwards.


Hay Prices

Alfalfa and Grass Hay Alfalfa prices are down $60 per ton from last year. Grass prices are also down but up in the last few months.


Interview: Lori Campbell

Oklahoma Cattlemen Association Lori talked about the OCA policy meeting coming up in January and district meetings in February.


Feedlot Placements

Low Numbers Compared to 2022 The U.S. feedlot inventory totaled 12.0 million head on December 1, 2023, a rise from December 1, 2022, USDA December “Cattle on Feed” report showed.


Hay Day Tuesday

Hunting Dog Rescues I talked about a hunting dog that was rescued here Elk City a few weeks back. Great story for Christmas.


Interview: Bray Haven

Cattlemen’s Congress Bray Haven talked about all the great cattle coming into OKC starting Dec 28th. There will sale of live animals and genetics almost everyday.


Super Pigs

Canada Feral Hogs The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture is working hard on the feral hog population in Oklahoma.  


Interview: Andrew Hill

Phocas Farms Andrew Hill talked about different sizes of high tunnels(green houses) they have to grow gardens in.    


Interview: Shelly Nutt

Texas Peanuts Shelly talked about peanut harvest, health benefits from eating peanuts and Mexico becoming the largest buyer of Texas peanuts.


Rain Rain!!

Rainy Weather Rains have moved into the eastern Texas panhandle and western Oklahoma. As of noon Hollis had 1.5″.


Interview: Sage Kimzey

Seven Time World Champion Bull Rider Sage is in Vegas going after his Eighth buckle in bull riding. Sage talked about how important family is in his life.


L.A. and Beef

California Burger Joints Some all-vegan burger joints are bring back real beef into their burger joints. They sided lack of business.



Big Players in the Soybean Market South America is the number one producer of soybeans, corn, and sugar.



South American South America is where peanut were originally from. Peanut account for 75% of snacks in the United States.


Texas Peanuts

2023 Peanut Production Peanut production in Texas was up compared to last year. Dry land peanut farmers did not fare well though.


Interview: Jill Meador

Thankful That Jill is Back!! Jill got us all caught up on her first nine weeks at OSU. She was really just homesick!!!


Alfalfa History

Asia and Alfalfa Alfalfa originated in Asia 10,000 BC, then Europe. Finally in the 1600’s it came to Mexico.


Interview: Reece Hightower

Redlands Community College Reece went to Relands on a shooting scholarship. He is taking Ag Technology hoping to come back to western Oklahoma.


Opening Day!

2023 Deer Rifle Season Nov. 18 it is here!! Wear your orange and follow all hunting regulations.


Heifer Breeding

Breeding Heifers Earlier? Early breeding might pay off really nice. Haystacks done wrong could cost you a lot of money.


Peanuts and Politics

Climate Change Climate change in the southern plains will cost farmer up to 4% of their cropland by the year 2070 according to our current administration.  


Interview: Brent Meador

Ok. Junior National Jr. Show Brent talked about the upcoming heifer show this weekend. There was 15 classes of heifers last year sponsored by Western Equipment.


Interview: Kent Watkins

Grain or Hay? Kent talked about doing fertility test on your crop ground then doing leaf samples to make grain crops.


Awesome Weather!

Extremely Warm Weather Moves In Near record highs for the next few days. This will help emerge some forage crops planted late.



North Dakota Land Sale Record $17,500 a acre for 360 acres. Crazy!!! Dry warm weather ahead.


Interview: Joshsua Knopp

OISA Oklahoma Independent Stockgrowers Association “Day of Education” is Saturday Nov. 4 at 9;30 at Cattlemen’s Event Center in OKC.


Interview: Greg Hartman

Prussic Toxicity First killing frost was Oct. 30th, so guys need to wait until at least Nov. 6 before tuning out on summer forage to be safe from prussic toxicity.


Big Tractor Money

30 Year Old 4960 A 1993 JD 4960 brought $139,360 plus at a auction in Kentucky Saturday. A JD 4455 sold $97,500.00


Interview: Kevin Horn

Hay Testing Kevin talks about their portable hay testing unit. They can either come to your farm if you have enough samples or you can bring them to Cordell for testing.


Interview: Brandon Hickey

Livestock Auction Updates Brandon updated us on sale results from the Elk City and Western Oklahoma Livestock auctions. He also spoke on the cattle futures market downswing.


Rain’s Coming!

Weather Changes Wetter weather will start tonight. 2-4″ is predicted and we will take all we can get.


Feral Hogs and WOTUS

Wild Hog Attacks Wild hog attacks are increasing with major injuries. WOTUS and the President is still a thing.


Interview: Brandon Hickey

Updates on Cattle Prices Brandon gave us a update on how cattle prices are doing at the Elk City and Western Oklahoma Livestock Auctions.


Chilly Morning

Lots of Frost Cold temps ranging from 28-35 degrees were seen in western Oklahoma this morning.


Interview: Brittney Casey

Unlimited Outdoor Adventures Brittney talked about the dinner Oct. 21 at noon in Cheyenne. They will have a dinner by donation and auctions to raise money.


Fall Is Here

Cold Front Moving In Fall weather is arriving. Cattle prices are great but unweaned calves are dropping somewhat due to weather changes.



Grazing Cornstalks Cornstalk grazing early can be very beneficial to cattle saving you some money in cost like hay, feed and other inputs.


Interview: Clarendon College

Feedlot and Cattle Operations The Clarendon College feedlot and cattle operations were at the Taylor Ranch leaning about the commercial cow/calf operations Jimmy and Tracy run.


Hay and Peanuts

Hay Sales Slow Hay sales have been slow the last 3-4 weeks. Peanut demand is up worldwide which is good for the peanut stocks.


Cattle Prices

Salebarn Receipts Up Cattle numbers coming into the auction barns are increasing weekly and so are the prices.


Family History

Oklahoma Land Rush My grandparent’s settled in Roger Mills County during the Oklahoma land Rush in the late 1800’s.


Interview: Jill Meador

OSU Campus Update Jill gave us a update on her first month at Stillwater. Brandon Hickey gave us the rundown on the beef auctions in the past week.  



Water and Feed Chickens can go without food for 3-4 days but not water. Water is the most important nutrient for any animal.


Interview: Dana Zook

Panhandle Cattlewomen’s College Dana talked about the different topic that will be covered during the two day event in Beaver, Oklahoma.  


Interview: David Nowlin

Peanut Hull Blasting David Nowlin with the Oklahoma Peanut Commission talked about the crop progress on harvest timing.


Tractors and Balers

Combine Sales Combine and $WD tractors sales still going up. Small 2WD tractor and 100HP tractor sales are declining.


Hay Prices

Alfalfa ans Grass Hay Hay prices are steady to lower. With winter coming on prices should rebound somewhat.


Interview: Justin Russell

Sayre Shortgrass Rodeo Justin and Kristin Seymour from thr Sayre Chamber talked about the rodeo tonight and tomorrow night at the Sayre park.


Cattle Prices

Feeders Up Feeders up 47% and calves up over 40% from last year with no signs of letting up.



Major Grass Fire Due to the dry conditions yesterday a wildfire in Beckham county had firefighters from 4 counties battling it.


Interview: Gary McManus

Flash Drought State Climatologist Gary McManus talked about the flash drought we are in. He also talked about the record setting heat index values in eastern Oklahoma.


Interview: Sheila Kelso

Pay it Forward Essay Sheila talked about how the Pay it Forward Essay Contest got started. Hazen Lester the winner from last year came on to talk about Luke his whether goat.


Interview: Tony Prochaska

World Record Cantaloupe Tony grew the world record cantaloupe weighing in at 76.12#. Cody Elliot just broke the Oklahoma state record coming in at 46#.


Hay Prices

Steady Hay Prices Hay prices are steady with the exception of Texas and Kansas that are in a D-3&4 Drought


Interview: Kent Watkins

Starter Fertilizers Kent talked about the 5 pillars of soil health which is really important in this heat wave we are currently in. He also talked about getting seed found now.


Starter Fertilizer

Wayne Becker talked with Jimmy Clark  about starter fertilizer versus broadcast fertilizer, poly versus ortho phosphates and carbon.


Interview Wayne Becker

Nachur Fertilizer Wayne talked about starter fertilizer versus broadcast fertilizer, poly versus ortho phosphates and carbon.


Interview: Blake Miller

American FFA Degree Blake Miller heads to Indianapolis this fall to be awarded his American FFA degree. Only 190 FFA members from Oklahoma were awarded it 2023.  


USDA August Report

Corn and Soybean Estimates All crop estimates were lowered in the August reports according to the USDA.


Interview: Greg Hartman

Jill Meador talks to Greg Hartman about the upcoming Beckham County Fair, CEU opportunities, and some recent research on parasites in cattle.


Interview: Greg Hartman

Beckham County Fair, CEUs, and Parasites Jill Meador talks to Greg Hartman about the upcoming Beckham County Fair, CEU opportunities, and some recent research on parasites in cattle.


Interview: Jimmy Taylor

Jill Meador talks to Jimmy Taylor about his recent trip to San Diego, beef sustainability and international exports.


Interview: Jimmy Taylor

Sustainability and Exports Jill Meador talks to Jimmy Taylor about his recent trip to San Diego, beef sustainability and international exports.


Hay Prices

Prices are dropping Alfalfa prices have dropped by 70-100 a ton already with grass hay not far behind.


Interview: Jill Meador

First Year in Ag Radio Jill’s dad Brent Meador and good friend Jimmy Taylor surprised her by interviewing her. Fun Fun!!!


Interview: Trever Damron

New Feedlot in Beckham County Trever Damron stopped by and talked about his expansion of his feedlot west of Elk City. Capacity is 400 head right now but growing.



Keep or Buy Replacements Jill Meador and I discussed buy or raise replacement heifers. Good and bad with either was our conclusion.


Hot, Hot and Hot!

Summer is here for sure Hot weather will continue for the remainder of the week. Triple digit temps and no rain will start taking its toll on grass pastures.  


Grass Hay Prices Softening

Rains and Hay Combo With all the rains in June and Early July grass hay is plentiful. The flip side of that is prices have soften.


Markets aren’t sure

Most Grains are Down Grains are down and cattle are steady. I believe buyers are just play the Ukraine and weather game.  


Interview: Stevie Wilhelm

W.R Arena Stevie Wilhelm talked about their arena north of Elk City Ok. Equine training, rodeo events and partnership packages were all talked about.


Cattle Inventory Numbers

Dr. Derrell Peel talked about the cattle inventory Jimmy Clark and Jill Meador. Jase Hargrove and Marcus Darling  let us know about the frog gigging contest coming up in Carter, August 4 & 5.


Interview: Derrell Peel

Cattle Prices and Frog Legs Dr Peel talked about the cattle inventory. Jase and Marcus let us know about the frog gigging contest coming in Carter August 4 & 5.  


Cattle Prices continue to rise

500# steers could hit $4?? Dr. Darrell Peel mentioned it at the OCA convention Saturday.


Beef Prices

Trend is still UPWARDs 500# steers could hit $4?? Dr. Peel mentioned it at the OCA convention Saturday.


Rains in the North

2-4″ in Northwestern Oklahoma The Oklahoma panhandle, northern counties and southern Kansas received some great rains this morning with cooler temps behind the storms.


Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association

OCA Executive VP Michael Kelsey talked with Jimmy Clark about the OCA convention starting tomorrow running though Saturday.


Ranch and Farm Equipment

Jerrid Clark talked about the different types of equipment available to the Ag industry, from the farm to the feedlots.


Interview: Jerrid Clark

JCB Ag Equipment Jerrid talked about the different types of equipment available to the Ag industry, from the farm to the feedlots.


Interview with Kelsey Walters

Kelsey Walters talks to Jimmy Clark and Jill Meador about her experience living in Moldova.


Dust Bowl Days

Wild Plum Jam The Dust Bowl activities begin this Friday in Sayre with the FFA calf fry. Saturday will be the parade, park activities, and the Wild Plum Jam.


Hay Prices Decline

Hay Prices Soften Alfalfa prices are down $12 a ton in May according the USDA. Our local hay market will be down because of the rainfall we have had in the last two months.


High Dollar Tractors

Hydro Acoustics and Fish Case IH tractors in Illinois bring twice what they cost new. OSU studying shad populations with Hydro Acoustics.


More Rain!

Storms in Texas and Oklahoma Good rains covered most of all western Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle.


Peanuts and Beekeeping

SE Peanut Conference The peanut conference will be in Miramar Beach, FL this year. Beekeeping classes are coming up later this summer according OSU.


Wheat Harvest is almost done

Feeders are up 10-15$ this week. Wheat harvest is almost over in Oklahoma.


Lori and Josh Campbell

Lori and Josh Campbell talk about horses, branding and the OCA convention coming up in July.


Peaches, Peaches, and More Peaches

Jill Meador talks with Heather McKinish about Wind Drift Orchards and their peach season. The orchard located in Harrah, Oklahoma, owned by the McKinish family, offers a variety of family fun activities around the orchard all year


“Cattle Calling”

Jimmy Clark and Jill Meador talked about the Beef Checkoff docuseries that focuses on sharing the stories of agriculture producers. Also, upcoming in August is this year’s Women in Ag Conference.


“Cattle Calling”

The Beef Checkoff released a new docuseries focused on sharing the stories of agriculture producers. Also, upcoming in August is this year’s Women in Ag Conference.


Melatonin in cattle?

Jill Meador and Jimmy Clark talked about a study from Mississippi State University on using Melatonin in cattle for different reasons.


Melatonin for Cattle?

Cattle Studies with Melatonin Jill Meador talked about a study from Mississippi State University on using Melatonin in cattle for different reasons.


Horn Flies

Flies are really bad this year across the US. There is lots of methods to control them. Horn flies cost producers 785 million a year.


Horn Flies

Horn Flies Flies are really bad this year across the US. There is lots of methods to control them. Horn flies cost producers 785 million a year.


Interview: Beau Froese

Wheat Harvest Update Beau said wheat averages south of the Red River were pretty good. He said the farther north you go you could see where drought conditions were.


Tornado’s and Hail

Severe Storms Overnight Storms caused some deaths in the Texas panhandle last night. Hail damage was reported on both sides of the state lines.


Green Energy?

Jill  Meador talked about how nuclear energy is safer and easier to construct now days. Green energy is not reliable where there is not wind or sun.


Nuclear Power

Energy Jill Talked about how nuclear energy is safer and easier to construct now days. Green energy is not reliable where there is not wind or sun.



USDA approves 714 Million Ag secretary announces more money to improve rural broadband.



Rains moved through western Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle this morning delaying field work.


Big Rain

More Harvest and Planting Delays Rains moved through western Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle this morning delaying field work.


Drying Out

Farm Ground is Drying Out Ground is finally drying out where producers will be able to continue planting and combining.


Interview: Kay Allen

Dust Bowl Days The Dust Bowl Farm and Ranch Festival is coming up July 14 & 15th. Parade, calf fry, farm and ranch roundup, etc.


Cover Crops and Soil Health

Kent Watkins and Jimmy Clark talked about the 5 pillars of soil health and planting late season milo and corn.


Wet Ground

With all the rains that has fallen in the past weeks cotton farmers are being challenged. Ground will take days if not weeks to dry out.


Planting Cotton

Too Wet to Plant With all the rains that has fallen in the past weeks cotton farmers are being challenged. Ground will take days if not weeks to dry out.



Big rains fell in parts of western Oklahoma and Texas panhandle over the weekend. Some isolated areas got 6-7 inches.


Rain Rain Rain

Pond Filling Rains Big rains fell in parts of western Oklahoma and Texas panhandle over the weekend. Some isolated areas got 6-7 inches.



Brad Merritt talked Jimmy Clark about this new safety system for schools.


Beef Prices

Grass fed beef prices continue to slowly increase because of demand. All beef prices are on the rise because of supply shortages.


Grass Fed Beef

Grass Fed Beef Prices Increase Grass fed beef prices continue to slowly increase because of demand. All beef prices are on the rise because of supply shortages.


Feed Lots are Wet

Texas Panhandle Rains As much as 11″ of rain has fallen in the panhandle. feedlots are very muddy making feed ops slow.



Jimmy Clark and Jill Meador talk about the supreme court ruling in favor of the Sacketts. The EPA will have to start over making their rules on the Waters of the USA



Supreme Court Makes Ruling The supreme court rule in favor of the Sacketts. The EPA will have to start over making their rules.


Superior Livestock Auction

Clint deArmond and Jimmy Clark talked about coming to your place and making arrangements to sell your cattle wo hauling them anywhere.


Interview: Clint DeArmond

Superior Livestock Clint talked about coming to your place and making arrangements to sell your cattle wo hauling them anywhere.


2023 Spring Turkey Season

Jimmy Clark and Marcus Thibodeau WMA manager at Packsaddle WMA talked about this years turkey season and studies that are ongoing.


Interview: Marcus Thibodeau

Turkey Season Report Marcus Thibodeau WMA manager at Packsaddle WMA talked about this years turkey season and studies that are ongoing.


Home Grown Food


Local Grown Food

Farm to School The Oklahoma Department of Ag is doing grants for partnerships in bringing local grown foods to local schools according to Jill Meador.


Wheat harvest is getting closer

Lots of rain chances in the forecast. Harvest crews are slowly working south to Texas.


Wet Forecast

Rain Chances for the next 14 days Lots of rain chances in the forecast. Harvest crews are slowly working south to Texas.


Nice Rainfalls

Grains plunge over-nite because of Ukraine and Russia. Really nice rains fell in Roger Mills County.


More Rain Today

Grain Prices Drop Grains plunge over-nite because of Ukraine and Russia. Really nice rains fell in Roger Mills County.


Dropping Grain Prices

Grains prices way in the red today because of rain and the war in Ukraine. Prop 12 in California will affect pork producers.


Grain and Hay

Grain Prices and New Pork Regs Grains prices way in the red today because of rain and the war in Ukraine. Prop 12 in California will affect pork producers.


Hay Stock Report and Prices

Jimmy Clark and Jill Meador talked about pasture conditions. Pasture conditions are not looking good in Kansas and Oklahoma. Biden Administration releases $11 Billion PACE Program.


The Rains were Great

Cool Weather and Moist Dirt Most of western Oklahoma received rail over the last three days. 4.2 inches at Burns Flat should have filled some ponds.


Two Great Years

Two years ago today the Today in Ag show was born. Thank you to everybody that listens and sponsor the show.


Two Years!

The Today in Ag Show Two years ago today the Today in Ag show was born. Thank you to everybody that listens and sponsor the show.


Grass or Grain Fed

Butcher Beef Everyone has their favorite way of buying beef. According to the poll today it is 50-50 grass finished – grain finished.


OSU Wheat Test Plots

Tracy Musick and Jimmy Clark talk about the wheat test plots on the Musick Farms.


Farming in Full Gear Ahead

Farmers are busy planting peanuts already. Cotton ground is being prepared and alfalfa is bring laid down for hay.


Peanuts are being Planted

Spring is a busy time for farmers Farmers are busy planting peanuts already. Cotton ground is being prepared and alfalfa is bring laid down for hay.


Farm and Ranching Busy Time

Farmers are busy laying down hay, working ground, and planting summer forage crops. Ranchers are busy working spring calf crops.


Crops and Cattle

Busy Busy Busy Farmers are busy laying down hay, working ground, and planting summer forage crops. Ranchers are busy working spring calf crops.


Markets are Stable

Grains are Climbing Grains made a nice recovery from the downward trend they had been on. Feeder futures have drop slightly but still good.


Mental Health in the Ag World

Brent Brewer and Terrell Coffey talk to Jimmy Clark and Jill Meador about mental health issues with farmers and ranchers.


Franz Josef

Franz Josef talked with Jimmy Clark about growing cabbage for sauerkraut, potatoes for french fries and boarding horses in Krefeld, Germany.


Interview: Franz Josef

Farming in Germany Franz Josef spoke about growing cabbage for sauerkraut, potatoes for french fries and boarding horses in Krefeld, Germany.


Crazy Markets

Cattle prices are at the highest inn years but wheat prices have been slowly trending downwards even in this drought.


Markets are Crazy

Wheat has been on a downward trend Cattle prices are at the highest inn years but wheat prices have been slowly trending downwards even in this drought.


Eddy Cape and Cowboys

Eddy Cape told Jimmy Clark stories about working for the Walter Merrick Ranch.


Oklahoma State FFA Convention

The Oklahoma State FFA Convention is in the BOK center in Tulsa next week. Jill Meador will be there getting her state farmer degree.


Interview: Jill Meador

State FFA Convention The Oklahoma State FFA Convention is in the BOK center in Tulsa next week. Jill Meador will be there getting her state farmer degree.


Jill’s Adventures to Washington DC

Jimmy Clark and Jill Meador talked about her recent trip to the capital. She met and talk with Oklahoma government officials.


Interview: Jill Meador

Adventures to Washington DC Jimmy Clark and Jill Meador talked about her recent trip to the capital. She met and talk with Oklahoma government officials.


Rain Rain Rain

Rains fell over most of western Oklahoma this morning. Anywhere from 1/2 to 1-1/2 reported.


Rain was a Blessing

Much needed Moisture Rains fell over most of western Oklahoma this morning. Anywhere from 1/2 to 1-1/2 reported.


Rain Moving In

Rain chances increase through the week.



Good chance of rain starting Sunday night continuing into next week. Everybody cross your fingers.


Good Chances for Rain

Forecast looks Wetter Good chance of rain starting Sunday night continuing into next week. Everybody cross your fingers.


RA Brown Ranch

Donnell Brown and Jimmy Clark talk about the upcoming Hemphill county Txs. Beef conference next Tuesday and Wednesday in Canadian.


Interview: Donnell Brown

Hemphill County, Texas Beef Conference Donnell will be the moderator at the upcoming Hemphill county Txs. Beef conference next Tuesday and Wednesday in Canadian.


Drought and Cattle

Kent Watkins and Jimmy Clark talked about the five pillars of soil health, that are more important now then ever. Also talked about a blend of different seeds that would be more drought resistant.


Hemphill County Beef Conference

Troy Applehans  w/Cattle Fax and Jimmy Clark talk about the current and past markets.


Cattle Prices and Drought

Cattle prices steadily rising on on classes. Drought continues in western Oklahoma and Texas panhandle


Cattle Markets

Price’s Still Climbing Cattle prices steadily rising on on classes. Drought continues in western Oklahoma and Texas panhandle


Drought Continues

Farmers and Ranchers Struggle With minimum rainfall this year ag producers are making major decisions about what to do in this major drought.



Forecast looks pretty bad for future rains. According to the OK Mesonet it is the driest Jan-April on record.


We need Rain

Hot and Dry Forecast looks pretty bad for future rains. According to the OK Mesonet it is the driest Jan-April on record.


Dr. Paul Beck

Dr. Paul Beck talked with Jimmy Clark about all the different projects they will covering at the Beef Finishing project April 27th in Stillwater. All this ties into the OCA Foundation Steer Carcass Challenge


Interview: Dr Paul Beck

OSU Beef Finishing Paul talked about all the different projects they will covering at the April 27th in Stillwater. All this ties into the OCA Foundation Steer Carcass Challenge


Cattle Prices Climb

Compared to last week: Feeder steers and heifer 6.00 to 8.00 higher. Steer calves 10.00 to 15.00 higher. Heifer calves mostly 15.00 to 20.00higher. Demand was moderate to active.


Cattle Prices Climb

Stockers Higher for the Week Feeder steers and heifer 6.00 to 8.00 higher. Steer calves 10.00 to 15.00 higher. Heifer calves mostly 15.00 to 20.00higher. Demand was moderate to active.


Hemphill County Beef Conference

Andy Holloway talked with Jimmy Clark about the upcoming beef conference April 25th and 26th.


Interview: Andy Holloway

Hemphill County Beef Conference Andy talked about the guest speakers coming to the two day conference. Willie Robertson will be the keynote speaker this year.


Woodward Livestock Auction Sells

Jerry Nine made it a official that he sold out to Western Livestock Commission. Jerry asks that his customers give Western the same chance they gave him.


Jerry Nine

Woodward Livestock Auction Sells Jerry Nine made it a official that he sold out to Western Livestock Commission. Jerry asks that his customers give Western the same chance they gave him.


Big Animal Vet Shortage

Doctor Kull has been going to Washington DC to meet with legislators about the big animal vet shortage


Big Animal Vets

Dr. Judy Kull Doctor Kull has been going to Washington DC to meet with legislators about the big animal vet shortage.


High Fire Danger

Tomorrow will be extreme high fire day  Please pick and choose your projects for the conditions  


Fire Watch

High Fire Danger and Blowing Dust Tomorrow will be extreme high fire day. Please pick and choose your projects for the conditions.

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Jimmy Taylor

Jimmy Taylor talked to Jill Meador and Jimmy Clark about becoming the chairman of the Cattlemens Beef Board

Today in Ag podcast logo

The Rippetoes and McEntires

Jancy Rippetoe and Jimmy Clark talk with Crystal, Chloe McEntire, Jenae Rippetoe about the girls showing livestock since the age of nine.

Today in Ag podcast logo

Livestock and Crop Risk Management

Davey Jones, Randy Holley and Justin Woodruff talked with Jimmy Clark about livestock, crop and rain insurance management.


Interview: Jimmy Smith

SW Farm and Home Expo Jimmy Smith talked to Jill Meador about the upcoming Expo this weekend the The Elk City Convention Center.


Interview: David Misener

US Custom Harvesters Inc. David talked with me about his recent trip to DC. They met with government officials on trucking, droughts and wage rates.


Used Equipment

Old Equipment worth some Dollars Get on some online sights and sell some of your unused equipment.


Interview:Leslie Feerer

NW Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Foundation   The 27th Cattle’s Ball will be this Saturday at the Woodward Convention center. Doors open at 5:00


Interview: Greg Hartman

Gardens and Stickers OYE premium sale starts at 4:00 today. Greg Hartman with the OSU Extension office talked about planting potatoes and ways to control Sand Burrs.


More Rain for SW Oklahoma

OYE Coming to a End The world’s largest youth stock show will end Friday. Western Oklahoma was well represented this year with Supreme champions and breed champions.


Rain in SW Oklahoma

Snow, Sleet and Rain Parts of SW Oklahoma received up to a inch of rain. Much needed indeed! Jill talked about The Pecan Shed found on the way to Dallas.


Interview: Frank Lucas

WOTUS and 2024 Farm Bill Frank talked about the Biden WOTUS and the upcoming farm bill. He expressed how important crop insurance was now days and it’s importance in the new farm bill.


American Economy

Brian Jackson Testifies Brian testified in front of the US House Ways and means committee in Yukon. He spoke about labor shortages and inflation.


Election Day

820 Jill joined me today to talk about FFA State Degree recipients. Also we talked about the vote on 820 and how it affects rural Oklahoma.


Strong Cattle Market

Great Cattle Prices Prices continue to climb. Feeders 2-4.00 higher, stockers 4-6.00 higher and even slaughter cattle are 2-4.00 higher.


Interview: Jimmy Smith

The Leopold Conservation Award Jimmy, Cathy, Calli and Spencer were awarded the highest honor in conservation. Cover crops and no-till is a way of life on their farms.


Interview: Jill Meador

Fires and Tornadoes Wildfire season is here so please support your local fire depts. Grain futures are easing back up a little from being hammered last week.


Severe Storms

Damaging Storms Roll through Over-nite Major damage in Roger Mills, Beckham, and Greer counties. 15 tornado’s reported in Oklahoma setting a new record.


Granite FFA

National FFA Week What a amazing set of kids!! Big plans for these kids are in the works according to them for the future.


Canute FFA Chapter

National FFA Week Officers from the Canute FFA Chapter talked about projects and diffirent things that they have done in their time in FFA.


Merritt FFA

National FFA Week Merritt FFA has had 7 kids get scholarships for shooting sports.


Interview: Mike Switzer

Quartermaster Creek Bull Sale Annie and Mike is inviting everyone to their spring bull sale Feb. 22 at their ranch at Leedy. 150 bulls are available this year.


Interview: Kelton FFA

National FFA Week Chapter members along with instructor Jimmy Morgan from Kelton talked about shop projects, livestock judging, shooting sports, etc.


Super Bowl and Agriculture

Tahoma 31 The Bermuda grass on the field this Sunday was grown at OSU in Stillwater. In fact, both teams home fields are planted with bases from OSU.


WASDE Report

Corn and Soybeans Corn and soybean estimates are down 5 million metric tons each worldwide mainly due to the drought in Argentina.


Interview: Gary McManus

Oklahoma State Climatologist Gary talked about how the Ok. Mesonet came about. We also talked about the future weather patterns.


Chickens, Goats, and Cattle

Livestock Prices on the Rise Laying chicken hens are at a record high for backyard growers. Cattle, sheep, and goats are rising daily.


Interview: Greg Hartman

Garden Time Greg talked about soil testing for your garden. Onion planting is not to far off so keep a eye on the soil temperature.


The 3J Show

Young Farmers and Hay Shortage Jill Meador talks about young farmers and Jancy Rippetoe brings update on hay shortages.



Deadline March 15th Deadline to signup for the program will be here before you know it. Check with your FSA agent on what you need to do.


The Duke

John Wayne and Cotton John had a 4,000 acre ranch south of Phoenix. One of the best cotton farms in the US. Switched over beef cattle due to water regulations.


Jill Meador

Cold Weather Returning Cold weather returns this Saturday. Jill talk about raising a orphan calf and TikToks Farming with Darrell  


Interview: Russell Hedrick

NC State Corn Yield Record Russell talked about how he change his farming methods learning from other farmers from across the US and using soil matter, cover crops, and soil test.


Winter Storms Hits

Needed Moisture Much of western Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle received snow and rain this morning. 7 inches of snow in Roger mills area.


Interview:David Misener

US Custom Harvesters David talked about doing custom harvesting and different type of crops that they harvest starting in the spring through early winter.


Interview: Joe Sanders

Hutson Angus Farms Bull Sale Joe and Bert came on to talk about the upcoming bull sale 1-28-23. Their bulls rate high on feed efficiency.


Interview: Mason Tucker

Western Equipment Ag Tech Program Mason Tucker won 2nd place in Western Equipment’s Ag Tech competition in Plainveiw Texas. He said it was a great experience!!


Interview: Kaleb Selman

Cordell Ag Instructor Mr. Selman talked about the two swine shows coming to the Washita County Fairgrounds this weekend.


Rain Chances?

30-40% Chance Tonight NW Ok has better chances then SW Ok tonight as a front moves through.


Grain Stockpiles Down

Corn and Wheat  Numbers are Tight The USDA reported in its WADSE report stockpiles are tight on all grains.


Interview: Kent Watkins

What Grasses to Fertilize Kent talked about which grasses to fertilize and not to. It is time to think about fertilizing you wheat and putting chemicals down.


Interview: Elk City FFA

Jill Meador and Kye Keyes Jill and Kye talked about the Elk City FFA Auction coming up Jan. 23 at 6:30 in the Elk City Civic Center.


Interview: Sheriff Derek Manning

Cattle out on the Roadways Sheriff Manning talked about the different situations they get into when cattle are reported out on county and state highways.


Interview: Heather Buckmaster

Oklahoma Beef Council Heather talked about the BQA Certification at the Cattlemen’s Congress in OKC Thursday at 10am. The Beef Council has great plans this year promoting Beef.


Interview: Angel Cushing

National Heritage Agenda Angel talked about what these national heritage areas are. Jeff Mafi talked about the Angus shows and sales going on this week at the Cattlemen’s Congress.


Interview: Cole Sonne

Sonne Farms in South Dakota Cole who farms with his dad talked about things from their cattle operation, droughts, and farming corn. He does great YouTube videos about their farm.


Judge a Cattle Thief??

Illegal Parking Tickets and Stealing Cattle A judge in Loving Texas arrested on 3rd degree felony cattle thief. When cattle strayed onto private property the judge and a few helpers will load them up.


Are Rising Hay Prices Done?

More or Less hay Acres for 2023? Depends on water and if the drought backs off. Alfalfa premium hay is up 100-200 dollars a ton from last year.


Reindeer have Hairy Feet

Reindeer are Low Maintenance They have hairy feet for warmth and traction. Their feet are actually large and click loudly. A 1 day old baby can outrun the fastest human on earth.


Extreme Cold

Wind Chill Warnings With temps in the low single digits and 35-50 mph winds, wind chills are way below zero.


Slaughter Cattle Up!

Last Sale of the Year Compared to last week: Slaughter cows 4.00 to 6.00 higher. Slaughter bulls mostly steady. Demand moderate.


Wind Chill Watch

High Winds and Cold Temps Tomorrow night all heck is coming! Winds up to 50+ mph and extreme cold.


Interview: Jimmy Emmons

Soil Health and making Changes Jimmy talked about leaving armor on the soil and using cover crops. Both will help you in cutting fertilizer and weed control cost.        


Interview: James Bigley

Ranch’s of America James talked about bigger ranch’s are still selling good even with higher interest rates. Also he talked about the difference in deeded and non-deeded ranch’s.


Interview: James Boone

2023 Annual Ag Tech Invitational Junior and senior high school kids are coming to Plainsview, Tx. They will competing for 60,000 in scholarships and 30,00 in prizes.


Great Rain!

Wind and Rain Overnight Most of western Oklahoma received anywhere from .2 to 1.5″ last night. Keep it coming!!


Interview: Jon Fort

All American Beef Battalion Jon Fort explained how him and volunteers have served over 400,000 rib-eye steaks in 26 states to returning soldiers and veterans.



What is the Definition? Sustainable agriculture is meeting society’s present food requirements, without compromising the ability for current or future generations to meet their needs.


Texas Hay Market

Hay Prices Steady The hay market is still strong in Texas. Grass hay is 200-240 a ton no matter what form it is in.


Cattle Prices

Slaughter Prices on the Rise Cattle prices are 2-4 higher this week. Rain chances will help winter forage growth.


Jimmy & Jancy

Oats and Rye Insurance Insurance for oats and rye now available. Cow and heifer slaughter at a all time high for the last 30 years.


Happy Thanksgiving

Cattle Prices are Strong Cattle prices remain good. All markets will be closed because of Thanksgiving.


Interview: Wes Graham

Cattle King Manufacturing Wes talked about the Hughes Trailers they have currently. Also all the new line of hay and fuel trailers coming in next week.


Interview: Dan Erdmann

Farm Rescue Program Dan talked about the states the Farm rescue program and the the different types of equipment they have to go help farmers in need.


Interview:Lt. James Edwards

Deer Rifle Season Opener Lt. Edwards talked about opening morning tomorrow. Orange has to be worn in the field at all times. WMA’s will be closed for quail hunting the first 9 days.


Jancy Rippetoe

Thanksgiving Food Cost Up It will cost you $10 more dollars to have Thanksgiving dinner this year. Opening day of deer gun season is this Saturday.


Interview: Kent Watkins

High Yield Dry-land Wheat Kent talked about making 100 bu per acre dry-land wheat. It will take some tender loving care but can be done.


Interview: Bray haven

Cattlemen’s Congress Bray talked about the entry deadline coming up this Friday. Breed auctions, luncheons, and filling that gap between commercial producers and seed stock owners.  


Winter Storm Hits

Heavy Snow arrives In Oklahoma and Texas So far some up to 6″ has fallen in some areas. Moisture is needed for the winter forage crops.


Veterans Week

Day 5 Veterans Week Joel Heinzeroth rancher and former Army officer joined me on Veterans Day.


Veterans Week

Veterans Day 4 Brent Meador talked about the Oklahoma National Jr. show coming up.


Veterans Week

Veterans Day 3 The Canute High School Student Council talked about how they were honoring their local veterans. Donnie Walker From Roger Mills county is a 3 time combat vet.


Veterans Day 2

Tom Manning Tom is the manager of Buffalo Feeders in Buffalo Ok. After 10 years in the military he came back to Oklahoma and Texas to the cattle business.


Veteran’s Week

Day 1 of Veterans Week Mike Schmidt was in the Army National Guard during Vietnam at Hobart Oklahoma.


Cold Weather

There is a Wind chill Today A front came through with strong chilly north winds behind it. A sign winter is around the corner.


Jancy and Jimmy

Stock Shows and National FFA Convention Jancy brought us up to date on her latest adventures.


Rain Please

Harvest Continues Peanut and cotton harvest are advancing slowly. This chance of rain will probably slow it up.


Harvest Continues

Peanuts and Cotton Harvest will be in hard fast mode the next few days with rain chances starting Thursday night.


IH 2 Plus 2

International Harvester 3788 AKA Snoppy or Anteater it was the craziest tractor built in the early 80’s. You either liked it or hated it!


Interview: David Nowlin

Oklahoma Peanut Commission David talked about how peanut harvest was going so far in Caddo and Beckham counties. For the most part digging is done and harvest is just underway.


Interview: Cassandra Ausher

Ag in the Classroom Cassandra Ausher with North Fork of the Red River Conservation District explained what on they had going on last Wednesday and Thursday.


Cotton and Peanut Harvest

Busy Fall for Ag Peanut digging is in full throttle. So far the peanuts look good. Some area cotton farmers have started harvesting cotton.


Interview: Lacie Landers

Ellis County Conservation District Lacie explained how the Oklahoma conservation districts are different than the NRCS. 5 million more dollars was added to the emergency drought relief.


Interview: Joe Merrick

Tribute to “The Working Cowboy” The Dust Bowl Days Hall of fame will be inducting Boots O’Neal, Bob Thompson, and the Merrick 14 Ranch Saturday Nov. 5 at the Sayre High school cafeteria.


Interview: Cassandra Ausher

Emergency Drought Funds Cassandra from the North Fork Conservation District talked about he funds available to help farmers and ranchers in her district.


Interview; Kent Watkins

Preparing for the Army Worms Kent talked about the drought with summer crops and the the fall crops being plated now. Also he said keep a look out for the upcoming hatch of army worms.


Rain in the Forecast

Chance of Rain is looking Great!! Rain chances look good for the next week. Cattle market is on a downward trend but rain could change that a little.


Fall harvest is Close

Peanut and Cotton Harvest Peanut digging should begin this week. Cotton harvest is probably two weeks out.  


Fall has Arrived

No Rain this Week Peanut harvest is underway in Caddo county. peanut digging should start in Beckham and Greer county later this week.


Interview: Jancey Rippetoe

OYE Shooting Shooters from all over Oklahoma participated in the first Oklahoma Youth Expo shooting event. congratulations to all of you!


`Hurricane Ian

Cat 4 hitting the Florida gulf Coast Ian is putting a damper on cotton and peanut harvest. 12-18′ of rain has already fallen in portions of Florida.


Interview: Cole Ivy

Hammon FD Fundraiser This Saturday the FD will be having a open house at the FD building. Raffle tickets and dinner will be available.


Interview: Mark Dodson

Erick Chicken Auction Mark talked about different types of laying hens bringing up to $100. Roosters do not bring that much but still popular.


Beautiful Weather

Eighties in the Forecast Two more days of 90’s and the 80’s are back. Strong dollar is putting commodities in the red.


Interview: Tim Thornton

Croton Creek Wing Shooting Lodge Tim Thornton talked about his move from Kansas to the red hills of Roger Mills County.


Interview: Clarendon College

Ranch and Feedlot Operations College students from the Clarendon College ranch and feedlot operations attended the Taylor Ranch for a field day.


Chicken Roundup

Dry Conditions and Fall Forage Fall winter planting is underway and the lack of moisture is putting a damper on winter grazing.


Rodeo’s and Quail

Shortgrass Rodeo at Sayre Park Great rodeo starts tonight. Russ Rundell with North fork Quail Forever talked about the upcoming Qf banquet at the Elks lodge in Elk City Sept. 29th at 6:00 pm


Oklahoma State fair

Ok Farm Bureau Junior Livestock Judging Over 2,000 youth entered the Farm Bureau junior livestock judging contest on opening day of the Oklahoma Sate Fair.


Giant Pumpkins

Pumpkin Weigh Off at State Fair The Oklahoma Giant Pumpkin Growers will be having a weigh off Saturday at the Oklahoma State Fair starting at noon.


Chance of rain

Why Does the USA Export Beef For the most part the US exports liver, etc bringing more value to US beef. Slaughter cattle are down just a bit but still good.


Cattle lower

Slaughter Cows and Bull off slightly Cattle prices are down but still strong. Hay prices up $10 a ton from last week.


Interview: Kent Watkins

Fall Planting Season Kent talked about planting fall crops. Watch out for grasshoppers and army worms. The first OYE Shoot is going on today at El Reno.  


Cattle Prices Steady

Great Numbers at the Sale Barns Unweaned calves coming in early this year. 600+ unweaned weights are selling cheaper then weaned. 600- weights selling almost the same though.


County Fair Time

Oklahoma State Fair County fairs have started firing up all over the state. Right behind those will be the Oklahoma State Fair starting Sept 15.


Strong Hay Market

Slaughter Cattle keeps creeping up Slaughter cattle in our area up 4-8.00, slaughter bulls up 10.00. Hay prices still going up the further we get into the fall season.


Cattle Still Going Up

Feeders 2-5.00 Higher Feeder steers were up 2.00-5.00 higher and heifers were 2.00-3.00 higher. Slaughter cattle were still strong around 94.00 mark.


More Rain Coming

Long Ranger Forecast Looks Great Good chances of rain starting this weekend. Cattle still remain good.


A Chance of Rain Coming

Slaughter Cattle Prices Remains Strong Slaughter cattle still bringing up to $94 a hundred. Calves and feeders 4-10 higher. Chances of rain this weekend looking good.


Grains and Cattle are UP

Corn Outlook in SD Down The corn average yield outlook is way down in South Dakota. Cattle prices are up which is great!  


Interview: Greg Hartman

OSU Beckham County Extension Specialist Greg talked the nitrate and prossic acid poisoning. Hay supplies are down so start making a plan now.  


Rain Rain Rain

Good Chance of Rain Moving In Rain is on the the way according to the weather people staring tomorrow. Cattle prices are up this week which is great1


Interview: Brent Meador

North Fork Electric Coop Brent describe the Annual meeting that will be going on at the Sayre park this Saturday. If you are a member be sure and attend.


Interview: Kent Watkins

Five Pillars of  Soil Health Kent, owner of SEI Agra Tech talked about the 5 important pillars of soil health. Main one is armor on the soil.


Cattle Steady

Slaughter Cow and Bull Prices are still Good Slaughter cows $80-94, bulls steady 1.00-1.14. Grains down and feeder cattle futures up. 7-10 day forecast looks good for rain.


38lb 2oz Cantaloupe

Amber Harrison Grows Big Veggies Amber’s cantaloupe weighed 38lbs 2oz on the certified scales at the post office. Cattle market is steady all the way around.


Interview: Marcus Thibodeau

Rio Grande Turkey Study Cody Griffin with Oklahoma State University will be doing a research on wild turkey’s this winter. They will be tracking hens and broods.


Grain Prices

Cattle are down slightly Cattle down just a little mainly because corn is back up today!


Interview: Jimmy Taylor

Cattle On the Taylor Ranch Preg checking and calving is the the events happening on the Taylor Ranch right now. Water issues is the a main worry right now with the drought.


Interview: Rylee Broadbent

B&L Red Angus Lori White talked about having Rylee as a intern on the ranch this summer. Rylee starts her last year at OSU in Stillwater studying Ag Communications.


Heat Advisory

Drought Continues 102 for a high in western Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle today. Grains are up and cattle futures steady.


Woodward Cow Market

Slaughter Market Good for Now Slaughter bulls are back over $1 a pound. Feeders and calves are 2-6$ higher.


The Heat is ON!

Slaughter Cattle Prices Strong Slaughter cow and bull prices are back up from the low prices two weeks ago.


Mooreland Fire is Out!

It Rained on the Fire After 5 hard days the Mooreland Fire is out. Big thank you to the fire departments and other support people for your hard work.


Woodward County Fire Continues

Area Fire Departments Headed to Mooreland The Roger Mills County Task force along with Sayre and Delhi are in Woodward county assisting in the 212 fire. Slaughter prices are taking a big hit this week.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Last day of Triple Digits

Cooler and Wetter coming up! After today the weather will cooler for a few days. Hopefully we get some much needed rain later this week. Slaughter cows and bulls are down.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Fire Weather Warning

Hot and Dry Today Fire danger is extremely high today. Please check your chains and wheels/bearings. Good chance of rain later this week.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Dan Cook

Blister Bugs and Grasshoppers Dan Cook Roger Mills County Extension Educator talked to me about things to help control blister bugs and grasshoppers around the hay patches.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Rain Rain

30% Chance of Rain With this flash drought in full force cattlemen need to think about a game plan for this winter.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Brian Pritchard

Greer County Fire and FSA Drought Relief The fire on the Salt Fork River south of Mangum brought in Task Forces From 5 counties. Beckham county FSA director explain some updates happening right now.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Record High Temperatures

Triple Digit’s Everywhere Currently 106 in Elk City. Fire weather warning is out and also Excessive heat warning. Please check on your neighbors and keep a eye on your stock.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Flash Drought

Hot Weather Hot and dry weather is likely to continue for the next 10 days. Slaughter cow prices are dropping but feeder prices remain strong.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Drought is Back

Feeder Cattle Prices Still Strong Sale barn prices still strong even with a drought setting in Texas and Oklahoma.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Heatwave Continues

Triple Digits for the next week Temps will be in the 100-106 range for the next week. Please check your water sources for cattle, horse, and other animals as much as you can

Today in Ag Radio Show

Flooding in Woodward County

Toad-Strangler in Woodward! 5.6″ in downtown Woodward this morning. The Eastern Texas panhandle and SW Oklahoma remains hot and dry!

Today in Ag Radio Show

Heat Continues

Mini Drought is settling in Slight chance of rain tonight with temps cooler today. Blister bugs are back in the area so be on the look for them in the alfalfa fields.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Hot Weather Continues

Grain Prices Still Strong Grain and livestock prices remain strong. Our listening area is hoping for rain in the near future,

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Robert Williams

American Wagyu Association Mr. Williams talked about how popular the Wagyu breed has become in the last 4-5 years. Also spoke about the difference in getting one ready to process.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Heat and More HEAT!!

Cattle Market remains Strong attle demand is still good along with prices. Triple digit temps will be here all week. No rain in the forecast unless you are lucky enough to get a pop-up

Today in Ag Radio Show

Happy Independence Day

Hot and Dry Weather Ahead Forecast for the next week will be extremely hot and dry. Feeders sold really well at the Woodward Livestock sale yesterday.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Live and Feeder cattle are up

Hot and Dry Conditions A heat dome will be building over Oklahoma and Texas with no relief in site. Slaughter cattle are still high with feeders slowly getting higher.

Today in Ag radio show header

Hot and Dry Weather is here to STAY

Wheat Price’s are up again! Wheat prices are up mainly because of things happening around the world. It is time to use mulch in your garden with the heat wave on it’s way.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Slaughter Cattle are High

Prussic Acid Cases in our area Be sure and check your pastures before turning cattle in on them. Slaughter bulls and cows are still bringing a nice price.

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National Pollinator Week

Dry Forecast this Week Parts of our listening area up north got some rain over the weekend. Drought is moving back into the SW part of the state.

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Interview: Anthony Moore

Grow Houses and High Inputs Mr. Moore talked about the things going at the state capital. They are working hard to shut down the illegal grow houses.

Slaughter Cattle Still High

Hot and Dry Temps in the triple digits the next few days. Jerry Nine at the Woodward Livestock Auction said this was the best time he has seen to cull older and big cows.    

Today in Ag Radio Show

Yellow-Jackets and Heat

Heat Stress on Cattle Yellow-jackets are not honeybees. Late July is when the YJ colonies began really growing. Check your cattle’s water everyday if using tanks.

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Slaughter Cattle

Prices for Slaughter Still Climbing Slaughter cows up $2-6 higher, bulls $2 higher. Wheat harvest is still going strong in all of Oklahoma and Texas panhandle.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Rare Heatwave in SW Kansas

Reported Feeder Cattle Deaths he Kansas Livestock Commission said there was reported deaths in feedlots last weekend due to a rare type of heat wave but no confirmed numbers.

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Wheat Harvest 33% Complete

Combines are Rolling! The ground is finally drying up so combines can get into the wheat fields. Harvest in Texas is at 40% and Oklahoma is at 33%.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Slaughter Cow and Bull Prices

Cattle Prices remain Strong Slaughter bull and cows are binging up above the 100.00 mark. Wheat harvest is getting into full steam ahead mode.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Hot Weather Ahead

Extreme Heat for the next few Weeks Temps will be in the high 90’s – 100’s the next few weeks. Watering the gardens will be a must. Take care of your cattle water if you are using

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Wes Graham

Cattle King Mfg Coming Soon! Cattle King will be opening soon on the south side of Elk City. They will be doing automated feed and seed systems for Ag business.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Ag in the Classroom

Rylee’s First Interview Rylee and I went to the Root 66 Sod Farm to meet up with the busload of teachers from the Ok Ag in the Classroom tour.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Heavy Rains in Custer County

2″-6″ of Rain Parts of Custer County, Washita, and Caddo counties received heavy rains in a short time this morning. Alfalfa prices are increasing by the month.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Lot’s of Rain

Great Rains Man we needed this rain! Most areas received anywhere from .50″ to 4″. One area between Hammon and Thomas received 10-15″. The Washita is out of its banks.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Kent Watkins

Cover Crops and Rain Kent went over the 5 pillars of soil. Cover crops should be really good with the rains we are getting now.  

Today in Ag Radio Show

Rain is on the WAY

Rain Chances look GREAT Rain will be moving into the area tonight through tomorrow. Most of western Oklahoma need a pond filling rain.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Jason Bollinger

US Senate Candidate Jason covered topics like climate change, input cost, wildfires and droughts. He also talked about the new Ag bill next year in Washington DC.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Rylee Broadbent

Agriculture Communications Rylee is a intern this summer at B&L Red Angus. She is attending OSU and is currently studying Ag Communications.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Rain Rain!

100% Chance of Rain Rain chances are really good for the next few days. The US Drought monitor update shows us still in a D3-D4. Cattle are off also because of the corn prices.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Wheat is at $12!!

Grain prices are UP! HRW is at $12.01 a bushel. Cattle prices remain strong at the local livestock auctions with the exception of slaughter cattle.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Jyme Nichols

Horses and Nutrition Just like cattle a horses diet is super important. Dr. Nichols explained thing like hay, hay testing, and trace minerals plus more.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Kent Watkins

Drought and Cover Crops Kent talked about the 5 pillars of the soil. A blend of cover crops works way better then one by itself.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Spencer Smith 4AG

Planter Tip of the Week #6 Spencer gave tips on gauge wheels this go around. Hot and Dry today with a nice chance of rain tonight. Hay prices are creeping up.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Red Flag Warning

Hot and Dry Today!! Red flag warning for the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles along with western Oklahoma. Cattle market remains good but inputs are still high.  

Today in Ag Radio Show

Will Hay be High?

High input cost and limited hay! Hay prices will for sure be up this year and maybe a shortage. Beef exports are up for the third month in a roll.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Greg Hartman

Greg Hartman Beckham Co.  OSU Extension Office Greg talked about cattle culling and ways to start the process. He had tips about tomatoes along with what to do and not to do tips.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Canute FD Fish Fry

Slaughter Cattle Prices still Strong The Canute Fire Dept will be having their fish fry this Friday from 5-8 at the fire station. It is donation only. Slaughter cattle prices are still good.

Today in Ag Radio Show

4AG Planter Tip of the Week

Big Chance of Rain in the Forecast 80% chance of rain tomorrow!!! Spencer Smith with 4Ag talked about checking your gauge wheels on your planter.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Bobby Armstrong

Bobby Armstrong NWTF Bobby talked about some awards he has received with the NWTF and IHEA this year. We also talked turkeys and hunters.

Today in Ag Radio Show

It Rained!

Rain Chances are getting better! Three shots at rain in the next week. Cattle on feed are high! Cattle numbers on feed higher than last year.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Winds have returned

Fire Danger creeping back into our Area This upcoming Friday looks like a bad day for fires. Cattle prices at the sale barns remain strong even with the drought going on.


Today in Ag

Agriculture Radio Talk Show Hosted by Jimmy Clark Tune in to KECO 96.5FM on weekdays to hear Jimmy deliver farm & agriculture news as well as other info relevant to the agriculture industry in Western Oklahoma. Watch

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Spencer Smith

Planter Tip of the Week w/4AG Inc Spencer pointed out a few things to look at especially measuring out the cutter disc. Weather still looking dry for the most part.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Cattle Markets

Wheat and corn prices remain strong The cattle market is still strong even as inputs keep climbing. Wheat and corn prices stay up mainly because of the drought in the wheat belt.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Frank Lucas

US Representative Frank Lucas Representative Lucas and i talked about inflation, input, wild fires, 2023 Farm Bill and fire department cost.  

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Merritt HS Shooting Team

2022 State Champions Wow what a great set of kids! Merritt has won the State championship 2 out of the the last 3 years. The one year they did not win they were runner-ups.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Spencer Smith

Planter Tip of the Week w/Spencer Smith Cattle prices are doing good on the 3-4 weights and over 650 weights. Spencer stopped by to give us the planter tip of the week. Great tip this week!!

Today in Ag Radio Show

Cattle Market is Still Good

Cattle Prices and Fuel Prices Cattle were up last week at most sale barns. Cost of fuel and other inputs are the highest they ever been.  

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Kent Watkins

SEI Agra Tech Kent discussed food insecurity and fertilizer shortages. Get back to canning and gardens. Russian fertilizer is a trade deal not a must for us.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Lacey Swope

Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey Swope Storms maybe east of us and Extreme Fire danger here. Spencer Smith gave us his tip of the week on getting your planter ready for planting.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Grains Prices are up and so is the WIND!

Corn is getting closer to that $8 mark HRW and corn keep rising and it is starting slowly affect the cattle market. Sale barn prices in Oklahoma and Texas are steady to a few dollars lower.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Grain Prices keep Climbing

Corn nearing the $8 mark! Grain prices are up today with corn being 7.79 a bushel. RED Flag warnings are out for the Texas panhandle and western Oklahoma.

Today in Ag Radio Show

High Fire Danger!

Wind Gusts up to 60 MPH Today Better put a tire on that loose piece of tin today!! RED flag warning for western Oklahoma and Texas.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: SunRotor

Solar Pumps and Panels Neil and Levi stopped by and talked about the different types of solar powered pumps for water wells. Also some maintenance tips to help keep it going.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Planting Time!

Planter Tips and Donations for the Durham Fire Donations are still coming in which is great because they still are needed. Spencer Smith stopped by with his planter tip of the week.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Drought Continues!

Big Hearts donate Hay and Cake to Fire Victims Tons of cake and hundreds of hay bales are being donated to ranchers and farmers affected from the wildfires around Durham area. Got to love it!

Today in Ag Radio Show

Durham fire 55% Contained

Donations have been awesome!! Donations have been so wonderful! Thank you for them to all the people who have donated so far. A big thank you to all the trucks that donated their time.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Washita River Complex Fire

Hay and Cake Donations Needed A big thank you to all the fire fighters who fought this monster. These ranchers are needing our help so please donate to help if you can.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Bone In or Bone Out?

Travis O’Quinn Ph.D. Kansas State University Beef it’s whats for dinner! Travis talked about the recent study they did on whether bone-in was better than bone-out.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Garden’s and Hay

Garden Time Its gardening time! You can grow great veggies in buckets or tubs. Hay prices are steady.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Jason Redd

Southwest Farm and Home Expo All Breed Bull Sale Jason talked about the upcoming All Breed Bull Sale coming up this Saturday April 1 at 2:00.  

Today in Ag Radio Show

Horse’s and Brahman’s

Jessie Harrell Jessie talked about his daughter Madison raising and showing Brahman cattle. Also training horses out of kill pens and horses in general.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Special Agent Paul Cornett

Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Officer Cornett talked about people starting hay bale piles on fire, stealing hay bales. He investigating grass fires that might have been set on purpose.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Grain Prices are up!

Grain prices are up and cattle are steady Wheat prices are staying up due to the Ukraine war. Cattle prices are pretty much steady but demand is strong.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Knutson Irrigation

Meteorologist Lacey Swope Destry and Scott from Knutson Irrigation stopped by and talked with me about preventive maint on your systems.

Today in Ag Radio Show

B&L Red Angus Bull Sale

Benji and Lori White Benji and Lori stopped by to talk about their bull sale coming up next Wednesday at 1:00 at the ranch in Putnam.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Meyer’s Cattle Service

Matt Meyer Matt covered all the bull sales he has attended so far this year. He talked about how the service he provides works buying cattle and AI breeding.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Western Equipment

Cody Pollard Western Equipment Ag Tech Graduate Cody talked about how he got involved in tractor mechanics in FFA. Then how it led to a career with Western Equipment. Justin talked about some preseason maint.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Grass Fires and High Input Cost

Droughts Contentions and  Crop Decisions Elk City Fie Chief Kyle Chervenka talked about the wildfires lately. Kent Watkins spoke about getting ready for row crop planting and soil health.

Today in Ag Radio Show

High Winds and Fire danger

Farm Income down due to Inflation According to the USDA farm income will be down to 3.6% this year because of inflation and high input cost.

KECO agriculture update

Extreme Fire Danger!

Be careful today because of the high winds and low humidity. We had some big fires yesterday in the listening area. Live cattle are steady. April 137.30, June 132.95, August 135.07. Feeder cattle are steady. March 153.27,

Today in Ag Radio Show

Bull Sales Bull Sales!!

Picking the Right Bull and Cow Health It is time to be getting your new bull bought! Make sure you have the right minerals for your cattle herd out at all the time.  

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Jimmy Taylor

Jimmy Taylor with the Taylor Ranch Jimmy talked about how his calving was going. He was just named Vice Chairman of the Cattleman’s Beef Board. We talked Beef its what’s for DINNER.    

KECO agriculture update

Cattle prices are getting back to Normal

Live cattle are steady. April 137.90, June 133.96, August 135.62. Feeder cattle are up a little. March 154.05, April 160.15. Lean hogs are down. 101.15, May 107.40, June 113.52. Cash grain prices in Oklahoma. HRW 10.39, corn

Today in Ag Radio Show

Grains Plunge and Fuel is UP

INPUT COST! With all the crazy things going in the world the AG sector is taking a big hit!! Grains dropped a bunch over nite and fuel for the farms up over 4.30 a gallon

Today in Ag Radio Show

Dr Taylor Mouse

Getting Cattle ready for Breeding Season Dr Mouse talked about getting your bulls tested, cows , heifers ready for breeding, and making a plan for your calves.

KECO agriculture update

Grains are still High!!!

Live are cattle are up. April 137.90, June 133.92, Aug 135.30. Feeder cattle are up. March 154.60, April 159.67. Some results from the Elk City cattle sale Friday. 1803 head sold. Steers weighing 326-232.00, 409-199.00, 552-167.00. heifers

Today in Ag Radio Show

OSU Extension

Greg Hartman OSU Beckham County Extension Specialist Greg talked about the EU training coming up in Sayre and Cordell. He gave a heads up about to start looking for thistles in the pastures.

Today in Ag Radio Show

National FFA Week Continues

Clinton and Granite FFA The officers from these two chapters talked about the present and future. Some results from the Beckham County Jr livestock show.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Davis Angus Bull Sale

Jim, Debbie, and Jordon w/Davis Angus The Davis Angus Bull sale is this Saturday at Clinton. We talked about the EPD’s on their Angus bulls and more. Also some great family stories on their farm.

Today in Ag Radio Show

National FFA Week

Hobart FFA The Hobart FFA officers talked about future plans when they graduate. Then to Jancy and my surprise one of the officer’s J Rod Wald sang us a song!!!

Today in Ag Radio Show

National FFA Week

Leedy FFA was in the HOUSE! Wheat and Corn were up the limit overnight! The FFA officer’s from Leedy High school came in to talk about things they have learn to help them become a adult.

Today in Ag Radio Show

National FFA Week

Kelton Texas and Sayre FFA Chapters What a great set of officers that these two schools have!! From tractor tech, welding, feed lots, trap shooting to speech contest’s they have it going on!!!

Today in Ag Radio Show

National FFA Week

Burns Flat/Dill City and Canute FFA Chapters The young adults from these schools were awesome! Each member had a different story in what FFA has did for them as a person.

Today in Ag Radio Show

National FFA Week

Merritt and Elk City FFA Chapters The officers with these two chapters talked about what they have learned so far being in FFA.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Future Farmers of America

Cheyenne and Sweetwater FFA Chapters What a great set of young ladies and gentlemen from these two schools! From the shop to livestock shows they had a story to tell. Good luck kids!!!

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Frank Lucas

U.S. Representative Frank Lucas Mr. Lucas talked about the trade deals with China. So far they have only done 63% of what they were suppose to do. Also we spoke about Ag supply chain issues.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Mike Switzer

Mike Switzer Quartermaster Creek Angus Mike talked about what things have changed in the cattle business in the last 20 years. He is selling 145 2 year old bulls next Wed. at 12:30 at the ranch.  

Today in Ag Radio Show

Today in Ag 2-14-2022

High Cattle Prices and Great Bull Sales! Cattle are 8-10 dollars higher across the board. If you are looking for a bull now is the time to be buying with all the great bull sales in our

Today in Ag Radio Show

Today in Ag 2-11-2022

Cattle are UP!! Cattle in all weights and sizes are way up. Drought continues with the new drought monitor map out.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Gary McManus

State Climatologist Gary McManus Gary spoke about the ongoing drought we are in currently. Also we talked about the drought line that has moved towards central Oklahoma.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Max Corbin

Dee Max Corbin w/Corbin Cattle Dee talked about how he got into the cattle business. He spoke about how he loves what he is doing with raising all natural beef for his customers.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Cort Richards

Cort Richards Lonestar Bucking Bull Genetics Cort joined me to talk about the upcoming PBR Express Ranches Invitational this Friday and Saturday at The Paycom center in OKC

Today in Ag radio show header

Tuesday Early Morning Ag Update

Live cattle are down this morning. Feb. 141.82, April 146.40, June 141.10. Feeder cattle were down just a little. March 165.02, April 170.27. Lean hogs are up. Feb. 87.70, April 101.27, May 104.82. Some results from the

Today in Ag Radio Show

Today in Ag 2-7-2022

Soybeans are Skyrocketing Soybeans are over $15 a bushel. Now is a good to time to prune fruit trees. Inputs are not getting better.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Today in Ag 2-4-2022

Cattle Industry Convention In Houston this week local rancher Jimmy Taylor was elected to be Vice chairman of the cattleman’s Beef board.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Interview: Kent watkins

Kent Watkins SEI Agra Tech Kent talked about the 5 armors of soil and this being the year of soil testing for sure. How cover crops affect soil temperature.

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Wednesday Early Ag Update

Live cattle are up. Feb. 141.00, April 146.27. Feeder cattle are up also. March 165.95, 170.92. Lean hogs steady. Feb. 87.40, April 98.45, May 102.55 Here are some of the results from Tuesday’s cow and bull sale

Today in Ag Radio Show

Winter Weather!!

Winter Weather and Hay Prices Winter weather will be moving in tonight and staying till the weekend. Hay prices are steady and lightweight calve are great!

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Today in Ag 1-28-2022

Packers and Rising Crop Prices Pork industry says that Biden is wrong on the rising meat prices. Grain prices are on the rise because of the drought and border crisis in Ukraine.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Today in Ag 1-27-2022

Cattle and Crops Feeders are down but lightweights are up 5-10. Wheat is recovering nicely from the $1 hit it took last week.

Today in Ag Radio Show

Today in Ag 1-26-2022

Buying Bulls and Snowing Snow is falling in our listening area. I brought up 5 things to consider before buying a new bull for your herd.

Today in Ag

Thursday Early Morning Ag Update

Live cattle were up slightly. Feb. live were at 138.45, April were at 141.97, June were at 137.00. Feeder cattle were steady. Jan. feeders were at 158.80, March were at 161.50. Lean hogs are down. Feb. were

Today in Ag

Interview: Lacey Swope

Lacey Swope Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey said snow was coming in the morning but there will not be much moisture in it. Next week a good chance of some type of moisture. Hay prices are steady.

Today in Ag

Tuesday Early Morning Ag Update

Live cattle are down. For Feb. 135.95, April 139.42, June is 135.02. Feeder Cattle are also down. For Jan. 159.10, March 160.15 Lean hogs are up. Feb. 87.25, April 96.97, May 100.95. Woodward livestock auction will be

Today in Ag

Monday Morning Ag update w/Jimmy Clark

Live cattle are down. Feb 137.87, April 142.27, June 137.55. Feeder cattle were also down, Jan. 160.25, March 163.55. Lean hogs are up. Feb. 85.37, April 94.55 The Western Oklahoma Livestock Auction is going on today eat

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 1-24-2022

Ok. and Tx. Counties in the Burn Ban There is a lot of Oklahoma and Texas counties in a burn ban. Wheat prices are climbing back up to the $8 a bushel mark.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 1-21-2022

USDA Vaccine Mandates A federal judge puts President Biden’s vaccine mandate on hold. USDA employees will not be fired because they are not vaccinated. Cattle prices are really good.

Today in Ag

Friday morning Ag Update w/Jimmy Clark

Live cattle for Feb. 137.87, April was 142.27, June 137.55. Feeder cattle for Jan. 160.25, for March 163.55. Lean hogs are up. Feb 85.47, April 94.55, may was at 98.20. Elk City Livestock Auction is going on

Today in Ag

Interview: Bray haven

Cattlemen”s Congress w/Bray Haven Bray talked about the huge success they had at the Cattleman’s Congress this year with the breed shows and sales.

Today in Ag

Thursday Morning Ag Update with Jimmy Clark

Live Cattle is steady. For Feb. at 138.80, for April 143.37. Feeder cattle were down for Jan. 161.30, for March 166.42. Lean hogs for Feb. 81.50, April 90.10. Results from the Woodward Livestock cow and bull sale.


Interview: Ray Smith

Professor Ray Smith UK Extension Forage Specialist Ray talked with me about a publication that he and some other forage specialist just updated. It advocates grazing alfalfa.

Today in Ag

Wednesday Morning Ag Update

Live Cattle were steady. Feb. live is 138.50, April live 142.00. Feeder cattle for Feb. 162.05, March feeders at 166.00. Lean hogs for Feb. 80.80, April 88.57, May was 93.65. Hobart Stockyards weekly sale is today so

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 1-18-2021

Hay Day Tuesday! For the most part hay prices in our area are holding steady. Hay shortages might occur if the drought continues into the spring.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 1-17-2022

SWOPS results from Weatherford Rhett Sites of Granite York won Grand Champion Barrow at Weatherford stop #2. The final show will be at Hobart this coming Saturday.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 1-14-2022

Grain Prices are down and Cotton is up All grain prices except soybeans were down. Cotton prices are really strong at $1.19 a pound. Very strong winds are going to be hitting tonight with cold temps. Click

Today in Ag

Friday Morning Ag update

Live cattle for feb. is $1.37, for April $1.41, feeder cattle for Feb. is $1.62, for march $1.66. Lean hogs for Feb. .77, for April .84, for May .91. Woodward livestock Auction had their cow and bull


Interview: Jimmy Emmons

Jimmy Emmons Jimmy covered things people need to start thinking about with this ongoing drought. We talked about overgrazing plus keeping a eye on cattle for dust sickness.

Today in Ag

Thursday Morning Ag Update

Good morning to all you great stewards of the land. I’m Jimmy Clark with your early morning ag update. Brought to you as a service of Circle M Animal Hospital in Elk City. Live cattle for Feb.

Lacey Swope

Interview: Lacey Swope

Lacey Swope Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey Explained what a La Nina was and what caused it. Hay market is holding steady according to the sales report from the USDA.

Today in Ag

Cattle Sales and Stock Shows

Southwestern Oklahoma Pig Show Series Great turn out at the Elk City Convention for the first of three pig shows. Cattle receipts showed the markets were steady to higher in Ok. and Tx.

Today in Ag

Interview: Shayle Stewart

Cattle Market News with Shayle Stewart Shayle and her husband have a Sim/Angus operation in Wy. She talked to me about last years cattle market and what we can hopefully look forward to this year


Cattle Congress update with Bray Haven

Cattle Congress, Grain Prices and Cold Weather Bray haven updated what was going at the Cattle Congress Cattle Show in OKC. Cold temps plus the new updated US Drought Monitor makes for a crappy day.

Lacey Swope

Interview: Lacey Swope

Lacey Swope Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey announced a new member of the Swope family will arrive in June. She did not see any relief to the drought in the near future.

Today in Ag

2022 Outlook on Ag

Outlook on Beef and Grains Experts are forecasting a good year ahead for cotton, cattle and small grains. A lot will depend on the drought going on in most of the USA right now.


Today in Ag 12-30-2021

Grain Prices and Drought Grain prices were slightly down. Cotton prices continue to remain high. Most of western Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle are in a D3 extreme drought category.


Interview: Greg Allen OPBA

Oklahoma Prescribed Burn Assoc. Greg talked about the local burn associations and how prescribed fires help the land and wildlife.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 12-27-2021

Grain Prices on the Rise Grain prices rose really nicely. Talked about lessons in not raising your voice working cattle.

Today in Ag

Interview: Kile Chervenka

Elk City Fire Chief Kile Chervenka Chief Chervenka stopped by the studio to talk about the extreme fire conditions over the Christmas holidays.

black white faced cow

Today in Ag 12-22-2021

Red Flag Fire Warnings Red flag warnings have been issued for western Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle. Grain shoot up over night.

Today in Ag

Hay Day Tuesdays

Hay Prices and Cattle Prices Hay prices are staying steady. Cattle prices have climbed almost 20% since October.  


Interview: Tyler Norvell

Cattle Congress of Oklahoma Tyler explained how it got started in OKC and how it helped the the economy during covid times. The cattle were the best in the US and Canada on display.


Today in Ag 12-16-2021

High Winds and Fires High winds rolled through Oklahoma and Texas panhandles yesterday. 40,000 acres were burned but no loss of life.  

Today in Ag

Interview: Michael Booth Colorado Sun

May Ranch in Lamar Colorado Micheal wrote a great article on how a rancher combined raising cattle and conservation of rare birds, ferrets, and other wildlife to have a successful ranch.


Today in Ag 12-10-2021

MCOOL ACT US Senate is working on passing a law making beef processors label country of origin on beef packages at the store.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 12-9-2021

Cattle Contract Library Act US Congressman Frank Lucas is very excited about the Cattle Contract Library Act passing the House and it is headed to the Senate.

Lacey Swope

Interview: Lacey Swope

Oklahoma Meteorologist Lacey Swope Lacey celebrated her 10 year anniversary as a meteorologist at Griffin. She said it looks like our dry pattern will continue.


Today in Ag 12-6-2021

Cattle prices and Receipts Cattle prices remained steady for week while under 500 weights were 2.00-8.00 higher.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 12-3-2021

NCBA and Plant Based Foods Some plant based foods are more likely to cause depression according to this study.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 12-1-2021

Kent Watkins SEI Agri Tech Kent talked about soil test and looking into next year the high cost of fertilizer.


Interview: US Congressman Frank Lucas

US Congressman Frank Lucas Mr. Lucas talked about some of the things in the American Rescue Plan Act, President Biden’s vaccine mandate on the USDA employees, contractors, and the military.

black white faced cow

Beef: It’s what’s for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Holidays BEEF it’s what’s for Thanksgiving! Giving thanks to all the farmers and ranchers for the food we eat. Click the play button below to here today’s show.

Today in Ag

Interview: Hobart FFA

Alexa, Zell and Hudson from the Hobart FFA Hudson and Alexa explained the wheat judging contest. Zell explained the gift program they have been doing to help some kids out during the holidays. Listen to their live

Today in Ag

Winter Prep for Feeding Cattle

Western Oklahoma Heifer Shows, Grain Prices on the Rise Two big heifer shows in Elk City and Clinton this weekend. Time is now to start planning feed programs for the winter.  


Interview: Jake Damron Cotton Harvest

Jake Damron Beckham County Cotton Farmer Jake was harvesting cotton with his JD CS690 stripper while talking with me. He gave us details about the difference between picking and stripping.


Interview: Senator Casey Murdock

Oklahoma State Senator Casey Murdock Senator Murdock talked about the Oklahoma Beef Day, African swine fever, and marijuana grow houses. Click the play button below to hear today’s live interview.

Zach Henderson

Upcoming: Beckham County 4H silent auction

  Zack Henderson OSU Extension Educator visits Jimmy in studio Zack updated us on the Beckham County 4H silent auction and explained the the OSU Oklahoma Beef Quality Network. Listen to the live radio interview from November

Lacey Swope

Interview: Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey Swope

Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey Swope Lacey updated us on tomorrow’s rain chances. We spoke about our favorite time of the year which is now with the rut going on. Listen to live radio interview by clicking play

Semi line up

Sheep and goat reports, truck driver shortage

Stock market reports, truck driver shortage Hobart stockyards sheep and goat market sales report. Shortage of truck drivers. Listen to live audio from Jimmy’s Today in Ag radio show by clicking play below.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 11-1-2021

Oklahoma Independent Stockgrowers Assoc Meat packers, 50/14 senate Bill 949, Country of origin, and what the OISA is about.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 10-28-2021

Tyron Spearman Peanuts Tyron talked about the future demand for peanuts around the country and whats happening now in the peanut industry.

Today in Ag

Recent Storm Recap

Meteorologist Lacey Swope Lacey talked about the rough weather last week that came through our area.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 10-14-2021

Addy Schneberger Carnegie FFA Addy talked about everything she has accomplished since she started showing at 7 years old. She loves showing goats, speech contest and doing a ag article.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 10-12-2021

Meteorologist Lacey Swope and Lt. Jame Edwards OWD Lacey Talked about the weather and hunting. Lt James talked opening weekend for youth coming up.  

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 10-5-2021

Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey Swope Lacey talked about mountain lions, Colorado vacation, deer hunting, and the long ranger forecast.  

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 9-30-2021

Texas A&M Professor Fernando Guillen The good professor talked with me about the prospects for wheat production this upcoming season.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 9-28-2021

Jason Bollinger US Senate Candidate Jason talked about how Washington is broken and the things he wants to do if elected.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 9-24-2021

Dwayne Elmore OSU Extension Wildlife Specialist Dewayne and Marcus Thibodeau OWD talked about ag and wildlife.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 9-23-2021

Professor Dale Blasi K-State Livestock Specialist Dale talked about some of the feed programs going on at KSU Beef Stocker Unit and using electronic technologies to help with cattle.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 9-20-2021

Paul Beck OSU Extension Livestock Specialist Paul talked about the upcoming Marvin Klemme research station field day Sept 29 at 7:30 am.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 9-16-2021

North Fork QF/Russ Rundle Russ talked about the QF banquet coming up Sept. 30 at the Elks Lodge in Elk City

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 9-14-2021

Lacey Swope/Amber Harrison AKA Pumpkin Mom Lacey talked about hurricanes and Brook. Amber discussed the growing of the new state record pumpkin.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-3-2021

Jancy Rippetoe with Stock show updates Jancy and me talk about the previous and upcoming stock shows. Dove season update.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 9-2-2021

Bryan Painter OK Communications Director OCC Bryan and I talked about his media coverage of the Elk City Rodeo of Champions and others. He talked also about what he has gotten to see since starting at OCC.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 9-1-2021

Elk City Rodeo of Champions Larry McConnell and Randy Hargus stopped by to tell us what was going to be happening this rodeo weekend.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-31-2021

Lacey Swope Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey talked about hurricane Ida and weather changes that are coming next week.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-30-2021

Captain Jeff Headrick Oklahoma Wildlife Department Captain Headrick talked about dove season opening up Wednesday. Safety and rules are a few things to get back in the groove about he said.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag

Dr Alvin Baumwart Highland Veterinary Clinic The good doctor and myself talked about his duties as a vet in the US Army Veterinary services. Also the treatment of a elephant in at his vet clinic.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-26-2021

Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture Blayne Arthur/Steve Swigert Noble Foundation Madam Secretary discussed Agritourism, Made in Oklahoma, the value of added processing in Oklahoma. Steve talked about his previous job at the Noble foundation.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-25-2021

Professor Paul Beck OSU Paul talked about nutrition for stockers at the OSU farm at Bessie. Also discussed small and medium locker plants.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-24-2021

Ag News and Local County Stock show updates with Jancy Rippetoe Topics today were alfalfa, hay prices and local events. Jancy Rippetoe was nicely let out of school to come update us on local stock shows.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-23-2021

Kyle Walters owner of Walters Cattle Co Kyle and I talked about cattle breeds and how showing livestock has change since he showed.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-20-2021

Coleta Bratten with Dewey County Conservation District Coleta discussed soil health, district equipment, Rhea Fire, watersheds, flood control.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-19-2021

Jimmy Taylor of Taylor Ranch Jimmy talked about the Beef Check Off and preg checks at his and Tracy’s ranch.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-18-2021

Cattle, Land Sales, and Peanuts Reports from the USDA on peanut and cotton crops. Read the story on the land sale of the Garst Farms in Iowa.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-17-2021

Lacey Swope Channel 9/Kent Watkins SEI Agritech Lacey chatted about her adventures this past weekend. Kent discussed cover crops and no-till.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-16-2021

Jimmy Emmons Oklahoma Conservation Commission Jimmy talked about his new job with the Oklahoma Conservation Commission, also discussed soil health, cover crops and NO-TILL practices.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-13-2021

North Fork of the Red River Conservation District Brian Jackson with Rt 66 Meat Processing talked about the opening of the his new operation. Cassandra told all about the conservation field day at Jimmy Smith’s.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-12-2021

Cade Nickeson World Champion Cow Chip Thrower Cade talked about his record cow chip throw that was on ESPN. We also discussed how farmers and ranchers were doing with crop prices being higher this year.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-11-2021

AIM and 4H Shooting Team Members and Coach Breegan Barnett, Reece Hightower, Mason Tucker, Coach Paul Hightower talked about their recent trip to the AIM’s Nationals in Illinois.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-10-2021

Meteorologist Lacey Swope Channel 9 & Game Warden Lt James Edwards Lacey talked about her weekend adventures and birthday plans. Lt James gave out details on upcoming hunter safety classes

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-9-2021

Lane Broadbent President of KIS Commodities Lane discussed things that could affect cattle prices in the future. He talked about packer consolidation, cattle herds growing in the future and Covid.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-6-2021

Zack Henderson Beckham County OSU Extension Agent Zack just moved over from Custer county to Beckham county OSU extension office. He gave a private applicator license update and future plans for the 4H.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-4-2021

Jackson County Conservation District-John Dee Butchee John talked with me about conservation and the history of the Altus irrigation district.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-3-2021

Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey Swope Oklahoma’s favorite weather scientist told us about her vacation last week. She talked about her job at the ARMs program in Lamont, Ok. when going to college.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 8-2-2021

Hammon 4H & FFA Boosters Club Ryan Long described the events happening at the Pete Dean Rodeo Arena Aug. 7 at 5:30 pm. Bulls and Barrels Rodeo with added money.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-30-2021

Musick Farms Jimmie Musick Mr. Musick talked about his recent trip to Washington DC with a group of young Ag men from Oklahoma.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-29-2021

Vignal-Thurmond Centennial Farms, Gary, Cody, Chance Gary and his sons explained how they changed their ops around after downsizing. 300 head of cattle on 450 acres!!

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-27-2021

Brandon Hickey Elk City Livestock and Western Oklahoma Livestock Auction Barns Brandon talked with me about how things have changed since 2008 in our area since he bought Elk City Livestock Auction. Plus how green the grass

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-23-2021

Hobart FFA Ag Instructor Mackie Brooks with students Alexa, Hudson, Levan Hobart Ag instructor Mackie Brooks and her FFA students stopped by to talk leadership and stock shows.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-22-2021

Dr. Taylor Mouse Stockmans Vet Clinic Dr. Mouse talked to us about some of her adventures during her OSU days of learning to become a vet. Her help at vet clinic is all family and close friends.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-21-2021

Reydon FFA instructor Kelly Gwartney, FFA Students Tyler York and Barret Thompson Great show with Mr Gwartney and his students. They told Jancy and me all about stock shows and their Covid adventures

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-20-2021

Lacey Swope Channel 9 Meteorologist/Quenton Elliot Elk City Farmers COOP Lacey gave us our hot long ranger forecast. Quenton manager at the Elk City farmers COOP chated with us about feed and fert. prices.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-19-2021

SEB Farms, Bernie Hansen Bernie gave out lots of information on Omegas. Improving production with cattle, swine, poultry, land and people. And improving the bottom dollar.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-16-2021

Dan Cook Roger Mills County OSU Extension Office Dan spoke with me on how the rainfalls have affected nutrients in the soil. Also testing sorghum’s on acid and nitrate poisoning

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-15-21

NFRR Conservation District -Cassandra Ausher Cassandra explained all the present and future projects happening in the North Fork Conservation district.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-14-2021

Canute FFA Instructor Jeff Conner and Colt Randle Jeff talked about the changes in teaching Ag during the pandemic. Colt told us about winning the OYE show with his hamp lamb.

Today in Ag 7-13-2021

Lacey Swope News Channel 9 Meteorologist Lacey talked about fishing, bats in the cave, the drought out west and our possible upcoming wet weather.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-12-2012

Oklahoma Ag Special Agent Paul Cornett Agent Cornett was telling me about different kinds of Ag theft. Surprising cattle thief’s were down.  

Today in Ag

Today in Ag 7-8-2021

Dust bowl Days Farm ans Ranch Days Nelda Tucker and Joe Merrick stopped by and told me all about what was happening at the festival at Sayre this weekend.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag – 7-7-2021

Brent Meador North Fork Electric Coop Brent and I talked about keeping NFEC North Fork. He talked about the change in billing on irrigation, solar and green power.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag – 7-6-21

Lacey Swope Channel 9 Weather Meteorologist Lacey talked about the high humidity in western Oklahoma and why the winds have been more out of the SE instead of out of the southwest.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag-7-2-2021

OSU Extension officers Greg Hartman ans Zach Henderson Greg and Zach gave updates on wheat harvest, gardening, bugs and cattle.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag-7-1-2021

Marcus Thibodeau Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Marcus talked about cattle grazing and wildlife management on WMA’s in Oklahoma

Today in Ag

Today in Ag-6-30-21

Kathy Fowler/Fowler Agency Kathy Fowler with Fowler Agency discussed crop insurance and issues happening with our local Ag industry.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag – June 28,2021

Jimmy Musick talks Wheat and Ag Jimmy Musick of Musick Farms and Cattle Co. talks wheat and farming in general. He also talked about items in the plans in Washington DC dealing with water.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag-June 23

Jimmy Taylor of the Taylor Ranch Jimmy Taylor was our guest talking cattle, weaning , breeding, DNA testing.

Today in Ag

Today in Ag – June 21, 2021

Oklahoma Ag in the classroom My guest was Audrey Harmon with the Oklahoma dept of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry. She discussed the recent trip to western Oklahoma with 51 school teachers from all over  the state. They

Today in Ag radio show header

Today in Ag

“Today in Ag” is a daily radio show airing at noon on 96.5FM KECO, hosted by Jimmy Clark. The show covers the latest news and developments in the agriculture industry, including topics such as farming practices, livestock